Seminar: Scaled-down Rice's Theorem And Connections With Satisfiability ProblemSeminar: Scaled-down Rice's Theorem And Connections With Satisfiability Problem

Shadab Romani
M.Sc. Candidate
Co-supervisors: Dr. Miklos Bartha & Dr. Antonina Kolokolova

Scaled-down Rice's Theorem And Connections With Satisfiability Problem

Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 3:00 pm, Room EN 2022
Department of Computer Science


Scaled-down Rice's theorem is a conjecture about the hardness of deciding semantic properties of Boolean circuits. According to this conjecture, having access to succinct description of a circuit does not give any significant computational advantage compared to pure oracle access when we want to decide a property that only depends on the input-output behavior of circuit. We investigate what implications the scaled-down Rice's theorem being true or false have for hardness of satisfiability problem. Additionally, we analyze variants of this conjecture by restricting its original statement to computationally limited sub-classes of general Boolean circuits.


Shadab Romani
M.Sc. Thesis Proposal
Supervisor: Dr. Antonina Kolokolova & Dr. Miklos Bartha

Scaled-down Rice's Theorem And Connections With Satisfiability Problem

Department of Computer Science
Thursday, January 28, 2016, 1:40 p.m., Room EN 2022


Scaled-down Rice's theorem is a conjecture about the hardness of deciding semantic properties of Boolean circuits. According to this conjecture, having access to succinct description of a circuit does not give any significant computational advantage compared to pure oracle access when we want to
decide a property that only depends on the input-output behaviour of circuit. We investigate what implications the scaled-down Rice's theorem being true or false have for satisfiability problem. Additionally, we analyse variants of this conjecture by restricting its original statement to computationally limited sub-classes of general Boolean circuits.