Memorial students perform well at national competition

Apr 4th, 2023

Memorial engineering students Victory Aifuwa and Sophia White, along with business students Solina Mi and Erin Jollimore, competed in the 2023 Engineering and Commerce Case Competition (ENGCOMM) at Concordia University in Montreal this past weekend.

This is the first time a team from Memorial has competed at ENGCOMM. Participation costs were covered in part by the Faculty of Business Administration's Associates Program.

During the competition, the team completed three case challenges focused on designing sensors for wind turbines, reusing Olympic stadiums for affordable housing and building a trade show booth for L3Harris. Students had to solve three case studies and present to a team of judges within specific timeframes, two within six hours and the other within 12 hours.

The competition presented a strong learning culture and encouraged the students to develop their skills with each case study.

"It was a challenging and transformative experience," said Ms. Aifuwa. "When you go through something like that, you can’t be afraid of public speaking and presenting. I’m very grateful to Memorial to have had the chance to participate in this and would encourage all students to go."

The team placed sixth overall following 11th, 8th and 4th place finishes in the individual cases, respectively.

"Over the course of the competition, the team showcased a strong desire to improve, learn and approach each problem with a fresh perspective,” said John Walsh, engineer-in-residentce, Student Design Hub, who coached the team.