Setting a Preferred Email Address

If you’d like to change your e-mail address to something more memorable, you can do so through The new email name will appear as the “from” address on your Webmail and Outlook.

Changing your preferred e-mail address does not change your MUN login ID or create a new e-mail account or inbox, you will still use the same one as before. For example, if John Doe changes his email address from to, he will still use johndoe to log into and access his email account.

To set a preferred e-mail address:

Step 1: Log into using your MUN credentials.

Step 2: On the Home tab under MUN E-mail, click on “View and Manage your MUN E-mail”

Step 3: Click on Manage My E-mail Addresses.

Step 4: Select the radio button next to your current email address.

Step 5: Click on Select a new email address.

Step 6: From the drop-down menu, select from the list the email address that you would like to use.

Step 7: Click on Save My Changes.