Poster Presentations

Presentation Title

Presenters and Affiliations*

Using Children’s Literature to Cultivate Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, in Pharmacy Education

Beverly Fitzpatrick (School of Pharmacy) & Faisal Mohammad Ali Abdalla (School of Pharmacy) 

On Becoming a Professional Social Worker:  A Threshold Concepts Informed Inquiry into Student Growth while Enrolled in Social Work Education 

Kathy DeJong (School of Social Work), Kristen Hynes Brothers (School of Social Work), Laura Pacheco (School of Social Work), Maria Lawlor (School of Social Work) & Victoria Randell (School of Social Work) 

Speaking For Ourselves 

Kelly Anne Butler (Office of Indigenous Affairs) & Ivan J. White (Office of Indigenous Affairs) 

Building a more equitable and inclusive learning environment for neurodiverse students through universal design for learning 

Sean Fardy (Faculty of Education), Suzanne Dufour (Faculty of Science), Jason Geary (Blundon Centre), Jacqueline Hesson (Faculty of Education), Keith Power (CITL), & Christina Thorpe (Faculty of Science) 

Student perceptions of universal design for learning in practice-based social work education: Promoting inclusive and anti-ableist pedagogy 

Ami Goulden (School of Social Work), Rose Singh (School of Social Work), Simon Adu-Boateng (Faculty of Education), & Stephanie Evans (School of Social Work) 

Deliberate practice and Habit Pattern Development: A Study of Self-Regulation in Bachelor of Music Voice Students Musical Practice 

Jane Leibel (School of Music) 

Do you want fries with that? Self-selected grading evaluation 

Cheryll Fitzpatrick (Faculty of Science) & Madison Riggs (Faculty of Science) 

Education through a different lens: The use of video analysis to enhance the educational experience in physical activity courses 

Jeff Crane (School of Human Kinetics and Recreation) 

Enhancing Electronic Health Records Literacy in Senior Undergraduate Nursing Students 

Deanne Smith (Faculty of Nursing) & Sandra MacDonald (Faculty of Nursing) 

Exploration of the Literature on Student-Recorded Video Assessments in Undergraduate Nursing Education 

Jennifer Collins (Faculty of Nursing) & Jason Geary (Blundon Centre) 

A Quest for Knowledge: Enhancing Nursing Student Satisfaction, Engagement, and Knowledge Acquisition through Gamification 

Renee Crossman (Faculty of Nursing), Karen Dobbin-Williams (Faculty of Nursing), Upinder Sarker (Faculty of Nursing, MacEwan University) 

* Presenters are listed from first author to last author.