Design institute
Goal: Offer a Course Design Institute on designing learner-centred courses.
Supports Strategic Priority 3:
Promote and support deep and engaged learning for all through high-impact practices, educational technologies, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Brightspace is consistently used by instructors as the online learning environment for their courses at Memorial, yet the experience a student may have in one Brightspace course site versus another course site may differ dramatically.
CITL's new Course Design Institute is a program developed for instructors who want to learn how to effectively design (or redesign) courses to be engaging, outcomes-based and learner-centred.
Delivered over four weeks using both synchronous and asynchronous interactions, participants of the program become equipped to make design decisions that support student engagement, meaningful learning and assessments, and equity and inclusivity in their courses.
In completing the Course Design Institute instructors learn to design a learning-centred course, write learning outcomes, design an assessment plan, identify and describe learning activities and resources, design a learning-centred syllabus and come away with an action plan to complete the course design.
The program was successfully piloted in the summer 2021 semester. Plans continue to develop the Course Design Insitute as a regular program offering.