11.11 Physics and Physical Oceanography
The following undergraduate programs are available in the Department:
Details of Joint Major and Joint Honours programs are given under Joint Program Regulations. Other joint programs may be arranged in consultation with the departments concerned.
Physics and Physical Oceanography course descriptions are found at the end of the Faculty of Science section under Course Descriptions, Physics and Physical Oceanography.
The attention of students intending to follow any one of the programs listed above is drawn to the UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS - General Academic Regulations (Undergraduate), governing the appropriate degree. Additional Departmental requirements are given below.
Faculty advisors are available to provide advice to students who are registered in, or who are considering registering in, any of the programs. Students are urged to consult with these advisors at their earliest opportunity in order to ensure that they select appropriate courses and programs. Students with credits in Physics courses which are not listed in this calendar should consult with the Department.
The six course stream consisting of Physics 1050, 1051, 2053, 2055, 2750, and 2820 or alternatively the seven course stream of Physics 1020, 1021, 1051, 2053, 2055, 2750, and 2820 is intended to provide a cohesive overview of Physics for potential Physics majors. Students who receive a grade of greater than 70% in Physics 1020 may proceed directly into Physics 1051 without taking Physics 1021.
Physics 1050 is recommended for students who have completed Level II Physics, Level III Physics and Level III Advanced Mathematics. Mathematics 1000 must be taken at the same time as, or be successfully completed prior to, taking Physics 1050. Students who have successfully completed Mathematics 1000 and Physics 1050 are required to register for or successfully complete Mathematics 1001 before registering for Physics 1051.
Physics 1020 is intended for students who have no background in Physics or who are pursuing degree programs which do not require Physics 1050. Students who successfully complete Physics 1020 (with a grade of at least 70%) and Mathematics 1000 are eligible for admission to Physics 1051. Students may receive credit for only one of Physics 1050 and 1020.
Students who have successfully completed Advanced Placement courses in both Physics and Mathematics will normally be eligible for direct entry into Physics 1051, which can be taken concurrently with Physics 2053 and 2750. Eligible students are advised to consult the Department.
Where circumstances warrant, any prerequisites listed below may be waived by the Head of the Department.
11.11.1 Minor in Physics
A minor in Physics will consist of 24 credit hours in Physics courses which must include Physics 1050 (or 1020), 1051, 2053, 2055, 2750, 2820. Only 6 credit hours at the 1000 level can be used to fulfill the 24 credit hours. For those students whose major is Chemistry or Human Biosciences, the 24 credit hours in Physics will not include 2053.
For Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering students, 24 credit hours in Physics which must include Physics 1050 (or 1020), 1051, 2750, and 3000, with an additional 12 credit hours selected from Physics 2820, 3600, 3750, 3751, 3800, 4000, 4220, 4600 or other 3000 or 4000 level courses subject to approval by the Head of the Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography and the Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
11.11.2 Major in Physics
As a component of the Degree Regulations for the General Degree of Bachelor of Science, a student shall successfully complete the following requirements:
Six credit hours in Critical Reading and Writing (CRW) courses, including at least 3 credit hours in English courses.
Physics 2053, 2055, 2750, 2820, 3220, 3400, 3500, 3750, 3820 and 3900.
An additional 9 credit hours in physics courses numbered 3000 or higher which shall include at least 6 credit hours selected from the courses numbered 4000 or higher (excluding 490A/B).
Forty-two credit hours in applicable elective courses to form a total of 120 credit hours.
Mathematics 1001, 2000 and 2050 are prerequisites to many Physics courses and should be successfully completed by the end of second year. Mathematics 2260 is co-requisite to Physics 3220 and is recommended to be successfully completed before the Winter semester of the third year. Those who intend to make a career in Physics should note that additional Physics courses are strongly recommended and interested students should consult the academic program officer.
11.11.3 Honours in Physics
As a component of the Degree Regulations for the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science, students shall successfully complete the following requirements:
Six credit hours in Critical Reading and Writing (CRW) courses, including at least 3 credit hours in English courses.
Physics 2053, 2055, 2750, 2820, 3220, 3230, 3400, 3500, 3750, 3820, 3900, 4500, 4820, 4850, 490A/B.
An additional 12 credit hours in physics courses numbered 3000 or higher which shall include at least 6 credit hours selected from physics courses numbered 4000 or higher. Students are encouraged to consider Physics 3800, 4400 and 4900, and other courses depending on the focus of their thesis research.
Eighteen credit hours in applicable elective courses to form a total of 120 credit hours.
Certain graduate courses may be taken in the final year of the Honours Program with the permission of the Head of the Department.
Only 6 credit hours at the 1000 level in each of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics can be used to fulfil the 120 credit hours required for the Honours program. The inclusion of Mathematics 1090 (or 109A/B) or the sequence of Physics 1020, 1021, and 1051 will each increase the number of credit hours required for the Honours Physics program by three.
An Honours thesis is to be presented on work undertaken by the candidate under the guidance of a Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography faculty member. The thesis comprises the 6 credit hour course Physics 490A/B. Students should seek departmental advice regarding a thesis project no later than the winter preceding the semester in which the project will be started.
For specific courses and recommendations about electives, consultation with a faculty advisor in the Department is suggested.
11.11.4 Major in Environmental Physics
As a component of the Degree Regulations for the General Degree of Bachelor of Science, students shall successfully complete the following requirements:
Six credit hours in Critical Reading and Writing (CRW) courses, including at least 3 credit hours in English courses.
Chemistry 1050 and 1051 (or Chemistry 1010, the former 1011, and the former 1031)
Physics 2053, 2055, 2300, 2820, 3220, 3300, 3340, 3820 (or Earth Sciences 3179), 3900
Plus 30 additional credit hours from elective courses for a total of 120 credit hours.
The Major degree offers students a fair degree of latitude in choosing electives, students are encouraged to take Physics 2750 as well as electives from Geography and Earth Sciences: of particular merit would be any of Earth Sciences 3611, 3170, 3172 or 4105.
11.11.5 Honours in Environmental Physics
As a component of the Degree Regulations for the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science, students shall successfully complete the following requirements:
Six credit hours in Critical Reading and Writing (CRW) courses, including at least 3 credit hours in English courses
Chemistry 1050 and 1051 (or Chemistry 1010, the former 1011, and the former 1031)
Physics 2053, 2055, 2300, 2820, 3220, 3300, 3340, 3820 (or Earth Sciences 3179), 3900, 4205, 4300, 4340, 490A/B
Plus 15 additional credit hours from elective courses for a total of 120 credit hours.
Students are encouraged to take Physics 2750 as well as electives from Geography and Earth Sciences: of particular merit would be any of Earth Sciences 3611, 3170, 3172 or 4105.
11.11.6 Major in Ocean Physics
As a component of the Degree Regulations for the General Degree of Bachelor of Science, students shall successfully complete the following requirements:
Six credit hours in Critical Reading and Writing (CRW) courses, including at least 3 credit hours in English courses.
Physics 2053, 2055, 2750, 2820, 3220, 3400, 3500, 3820, and 3900.
An additional 3 credit hours in physics courses numbered 3000 or higher. Students are encouraged to consider Physics 3150, 3750, 3800, 4205, or 4340.
Thirty-six credit hours in applicable elective courses.
Mathematics 1001, 2000 and 2050 are prerequisites to many Physics courses and should be successfully completed by the end of second year. Note that Mathematics 2260 is co-requisite to Physics 3220 and is recommended to be successfully completed before the Winter term of the third year. Statistics 2550 is a recommended elective. Note that Ocean Sciences 1000 is a prerequisite for Ocean Sciences 2000 and Earth Sciences 1000 is a prerequisite for Ocean Sciences 2200 so that interested students need to consider this if they choose either of these options for clause 7 above.
11.11.7 Honours in Ocean Physics
As a component of the Degree Regulations for the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science, students shall successfully complete the following requirements:
Six credit hours in Critical Reading and Writing (CRW) courses, including at least 3 credit hours in English courses.
Physics 2053, 2055, 2750, 2820, 3220, 3230, 3400, 3500, 3750, 3800, 3820, 3900, 4820, and 490A/B.
Statistics 2550.
Twelve credit hours in applicable elective courses.
Certain of the graduate courses may be taken in the final year of the Honours Program with the permission of the Head of the Department.
Only 6 credit hours at the 1000 level in each of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics can be used to fulfill the 120 credit hours required for the Honours program. The inclusion of Mathematics 1090, or the sequence of Physics 1020, 1021, and 1051, will each increase the number of credit hours required for the Honours Physics program by three.
Ocean Sciences 1000 is a prerequisite for Ocean Sciences 2000 and Earth Sciences 1000 is a prerequisite for Ocean Sciences 2200 so that interested students need to consider this if they choose either of these options for clause 6 above.
An Honours thesis is to be presented on work undertaken by the student under the guidance of a Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography faculty member. The thesis comprises the 6 credit hour course Physics 490A/B. Students should see departmental advice regarding a thesis project no later than the winter preceding the semester in which the project will be started.
For specific courses and recommendations about electives, consultation with a faculty advisor in the Department is suggested.
Present Course |
Former Course |
Present Course |
Former Course |
1200 |
2050 |
1201 |
1061 |
1052 |
3700 |
2200 |
3850 |
2450 |
490A/B |
4990 |
2550 |
2054 |
2700 |
2550 |
3200 |
3410 |
2210 |
3821 |
3920 |
Credit may be obtained for only one course from each of the pairs of courses listed in this table |
Physics 1021 and the former Physics 1201 will be considered equivalent for prerequisite purposes. Physics 1051 and 2820 will be considered equivalent to the former Physics 1054 and 2054 for prerequisite purposes. Physics 1051 and the former Physics 1052 and 2050 will be considered equivalent for prerequisite purposes.
Not all courses are offered every year. Students should check with the Department prior to registration to plan programs.