5.3 Non-Degree Programs
The School of Arts and Social Science offers two non-degree programs in English as a Second Language program, the Intensive English Bridge Program at Grenfell (IEBP-G) and the Intensive English Program at Grenfell (IEP-G). The School also offers the Certificate in Sustainable Rural Communities.
5.3.1 Certificate in Sustainable Rural Communities
The Certificate in Sustainable Rural Communities is comprised of 21 credit hours and is designed for those who are interested in the study of practical and theoretical understandings of sustainable rural communities, with a focus on real-world applications of contemporary strategies to address opportunities and issues within rural places. Core courses will dissect the term ‘rural’ and examine the urban-rural divide through a critical lens. Specific attention will be paid to current issues facing rural Newfoundland and Labrador across multiple sectors: tourism, environment, economy, culture, and heritage.
5.3.2 English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language programs are offered under the School of Arts and Social Science.
The English as a Second Language Office, affiliated with the School of Arts and Social Science, Grenfell Campus, offers year-round programs for adult students wishing to improve their English language skills for academic, professional or personal purposes. These programs include:
twelve-week non-credit Intensive English Program at Grenfell (IEP-G) which are offered year-round on a semesterized basis;
tutoring and language development support for current Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland students in undergraduate and graduate degree programs; and
custom-designed language and culture programs for schools, universities, or businesses. These can be developed on contract and are either for general learning purposes or to suit the needs of specific disciplines or professions.
The full-time, non-credit Intensive English Program at Grenfell (IEP-G) is designed to improve English language skills for academic, professional and personal purposes. Reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are covered, and workshops on culture and social activities promoting integration with the local community also form part of the program. The program prepares the student for full-time university studies in English.
The full-time, non-credit and credit Intensive English Bridge Program at Grenfell (IEBP-G) is designed for applicants to Memorial University of Newfoundland who have been provisionally admitted as undergraduate students and who are students of advanced proficiency.
Information regarding the above programs and services is available from the Coordinator of English as a Second Language programs at Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland and online at www.grenfell.mun.ca/esl.