13.18 History
With the exception of 4000-level cross-listed courses, students enrolling in any 4000-level History course must have taken HIST 1100 and HIST 1101 and two HIST courses (six credit hours) at the 2000 or 3000 level. Also, students must have HIST 3840 as a pre-requisite or co-requisite. Alternatively, the student must have permission of the Chair of the Historical Studies program.
History courses are designated by HIST.
HIST 1100 Exploring the Past, ca. 1400-1800
introduces students to working with historical materials and writing about the past. Students then will apply these skills to a study of the history of the Western world from the Renaissance and European colonialism up to and including the French Revolution, in a global context. The political, social, and cultural manifestations of Western history will be explored as well as the perspectives and condition of marginalized peoples.
the former HIST 1000
HIST 1101 Critical Reading and Writing: Exploring the Past, ca. 1800-present
refines students’ ability to work with historical documents and to understand their significance in how we interpret the past. Students will explore the main contours of the history of the Western World from the Napoleonic period to the contemporary era. Students will learn about the range of historical experience, interaction and exchange between ethnicities and cultures, imperialism, war and revolution, national independence, human rights, gender and social life, environmental change, and globalization. All sections of this course follow Critical Reading and Writing Course Guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/crw.
the former HIST 1001
HIST 2034 History of the Hellenistic World
(same as Classics 2020) is a survey of the history of the Mediterranean world and the Near East from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE until the incorporation of the Kingdom of Egypt in the Roman Empire in 30 BCE. Particular attention is given to the influence of the new monarchies on political, social and cultural developments in both Greek and non-Greek communities.
HIST 2035 History of Classical Greece
(same as Classics 2035) is a survey of Greek history from the Bronze Age to the death of Alexander the Great, with special reference to the social and political institutions of the fifth century BCE. Students will learn about the foundations of modern democracy and its responses to internal and external challenges.
HIST 2040 History of Rome
(same as Classics 2040) is a survey of Roman history from the early monarchy to the reign of Constantine, with special reference to society and politics in the late Republic and early Empire.
HIST 2100 Empires of the North Atlantic, 1500-1820
will examine European expansion across the Atlantic to North America, the attempt to take possession of that continent through commercial investment and colonies, and the way in which European colonies were transformed into new societies.
HIST 2200 Making Canada: Canadian History to 1867
is a survey of Canadian History to Confederation, 1867.
HIST 2210 Modern Canada: Canadian History Since 1867
is survey of Canadian History since Confederation.
HIST 2260 Slavery and Abolition in the Atlantic World
introduces students to the history of the Atlantic slave trade, slavery, and freedom from the late fifteenth century to the mid-nineteenth century. The course examines the mechanics of the slave trade, the experiences of enslaved peoples, the factors of race and gender, as well as slave societies, slave resistance, and the international movement to abolish the slave trade and slavery itself.
HIST 2140
HIST 2300 Early Modern European History, 1500-1789
is an introduction to the main issues and problems in early modern European History with an emphasis on the political, social, economic and cultural developments from the sixteenth through the eighteenth century.
HIST 2310 Europe in the Nineteenth Century, 1789-1914
is a survey of the economic, social, political and cultural developments of Europe from 1789-1914.
HIST 2320 Medieval Europe to the Eleventh Century
(same as Medieval and Early Modern Studies 2001 and the former Medieval Studies 2001) is a survey of the economic, social, political and cultural developments of the early Middle Ages.
the former HIST 2030, Medieval and Early Modern Studies 2001 (or the former Medieval Studies 2001)
HIST 2330 Medieval Europe Since the Eleventh Century
(same as Medieval and Early Modern Studies 2002 and the former Medieval Studies 2002) is a survey of the economic, social, political and cultural developments of Europe in the high and late Middle Ages.
the former HIST 2030, Medieval and Early Modern Studies 2002 (or the former Medieval Studies 2002)
HIST 2500 Global History to 1945
is a study of the world-wide impact of the main events and developments in the age of global interdependence.
the former HIST 3700
HIST 2510 Global History since 1945
is an historical analysis of the main issues in the contemporary world since 1945.
the former HIST 3710
HIST 2540 Fascism and Resistance in the Twentieth Century
will explore the history of fascism, and resistance to fascism, from its late nineteenth-century origins through the end of the Second World War.
HIST 2700 Art History Survey I
(same as Visual Arts 2700) is the history of art from pre-historic times to the Renaissance.
HIST 2701 Art History Survey II
(same as Visual Arts 2701) is the history of art from the Renaissance to the 20th century.
HIST 3030 Environmental History
examines the history of human relationships to the natural environment. The focus of the course is the history of environmental changes caused by humans, and the influence of the natural environment on human cultures and societies. Case studies will focus on issues with broad relevance to contemporary environmental issues such as energy use, the environmental impact of military conflict, species introductions, natural disasters, urban sustainability, ecological restoration, and the origins of environmentalism.
HIST 3050 History of Warfare to 1789
is a survey of major developments in the history of warfare from the earliest times to 1789 with particular emphasis on changes in the nature and conduct of warfare, the evolution of military thinking, the organization of military and naval forces, the impact of technological change, the emergence of professionalism and the relationship between societies and armed forces.
HIST 3060 History of Modern Warfare since 1789
is an examination of those major developments which have affected the nature and conduct of warfare in the period since 1789, with particular emphasis on the evolution of military thinking, the impact of technology on organization and planning, the role of air power, the civil-military relationship, professionalism in the armed forces, and the changing nature of warfare: the emergence of total war, global war, guerilla warfare, and limited warfare.
HIST 3090 Alexander and the Macedonians
(same as Classics 3090) investigates the impact of the conquests of Alexander the Great and his Macedonian Successors on the political, social, cultural, intellectual, and religious world of the Mediterranean and Near East between Alexander’s accession in 336 and the battle of Ipsus in 301, when his vast empire was carved into Hellenistic kingdoms.
HIST 3102 Queer Histories in the Western World
explores the social, cultural, and political history of sexual minorities in the West from the mid-nineteenth century to the present in order to demonstrate the ways in which sexuality has become central to identity formations.
HIST 3110 History of Newfoundland to 1815
is the growth of settlement and the manner in which a `migratory' fishery carried on from England and Ireland changed into a `sedentary' fishery carried on by residents of Newfoundland.
HIST 3120 Modern Newfoundland Since 1815
is the establishment and development of political institutions, changes in economic structure and the growth of populations.
HIST 3135 France in the Americas, 1500-1815
investigates the French presence mainly in New France, but also Newfoundland, Florida, Louisiana, the Caribbean, Acadia, Ile Royale, and Brazil, from the earliest voyages of exploration to the Anglo-French struggle for North America. This topic will be studied within the greater framework of the transplantation of a European society onto a different continent, delving also into various subject themes such as French-Indigenous relations, politics, and government, women and gender, and society in France and New France.
HIST 3250 Migration History of North America
is a survey of migration to and within North America from the seventeenth to the twentieth century.
HIST 3320 Early Modern France, 1500-1789
is French history from 1500 to 1789, with a focus on such themes as the Renaissance, political and social change, gender history and the Enlightenment.
HIST 3330 France, 1750-1852
is the study of France from the decline of the Old Regime to the end of the Second Republic.
HIST 3370 German History I, to the Mid-Nineteenth Century
examines the history of the peoples and states of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation and the Germanic Confederation with emphasis on the origins of modern Germany.
HIST 3380 German History II, Since the Mid-Nineteenth Century
examines the history of German-speaking central Europe with special reference to the evolution of modern Germany since the mid-nineteenth century.
HIST 3440 History of the British Empire and Commonwealth since 1815
is the transition from British Empire to Commonwealth of Nations.
HIST 3442 Religious Conflict and Coexistence in the Early Modern World
explores relations between members of different religions and denominations in Europe and the Americas from about 1492 to 1650. Such themes considered are conflict, peace treaties among states, ideas about religious violence and religious freedom, as well as the possibilities for coexistence in communities, and the intersections between religion, race, gender, and class.
HIST 3445 Witchcraft and the Witch-Hunts in Early Modern Europe
is a history of witchcraft, demonology, and witch-hunts from 1400 to 1750, focusing on such themes as gender, the body and medical knowledge, religious dissidence, and popular culture.
HIST 3450 British History, 1485-1714
is the emergence of Britain under the Tudors and early Stuart monarchs.
HIST 3490 History of Ireland Since the Great Famine
is a survey of Irish history from the mid-nineteenth century to the present.
HIST 3520 Indigenous History to 1763
(same as Anthropology 3520 and Archaeology 3520) examines Indigenous history in North America, including the Innu, Inuit, Beothuk and Mi’kmaq, from before European contact to the Royal Proclamation in 1763. Particular attention will be paid to historical encounters framed by first contacts, cultural exchange, trade, disease, religious encounters, conflict and diplomacy, and territorial encroachment.
HIST 3525 Indigenous History from 1763
(same as Anthropology 3525 and Archaeology 3525) examines the history of Indigenous peoples in North America, including the Innu, Inuit, Beothuk and Mi’kmaq, from 1763 to the twentieth century. Particular attention will be paid to Indigenous-settler relations, including Indigenous policies, military encounters and diplomacy, expansion and removals, education, treaties, and politicization.
HIST 3551 Tudors, Historical Memory, and Film
focuses on the dialogue between past and present as it plays out in the various film and historical representations of the Tudor period.
HIST 3700 Art History: The Italian Renaissance
(same as Visual Arts 3700) is an overview of the art and architecture of Renaissance Italy with an emphasis upon the historical context in which art was produced.
HIST 3701 Art History: The Renaissance Outside Italy
(same as Visual Arts 3701) is the Renaissance outside Italy from the late Fourteenth century and the international style through the 16th century.
HIST 3760 Women in Western Society and Culture I
is a survey of major developments in the history of women from the fifteenth through the eighteenth centuries. The major themes addressed are: cultural and religious assumptions about women; demographic changes; women's work roles; women's participation in religious and political movements.
HIST 3770 Women in Western Society and Culture II
are selected themes in the history of women in the modern period with a focus on cultural attitudes toward women, demographic trends affecting women, the impact of changing economic roles, and the development of feminism.
HIST 3786 Democracy in the American and French Revolutions
contrasts these two Revolutions within the broader transnational framework of Atlantic World history in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Pertinent to this course is the exchange of ideas, peoples, and traditions between the French and American contexts. The course focuses on the discussions and development of human rights and democracy as well as the roles played by marginalized groups in these Revolutions.
HIST 3801 History of Modern Revolutions
examines theoretical and thematic approaches to the study of revolution. The class will study some of the major political revolutions of the twentieth century and also explore the causes and consequences of various social, cultural, and economic upheavals such as the student revolts of the 1960s and the sexual revolution. There will be a discussion on how the way in which historians have studied revolutions has changed during the past half century.
HIST 3807 The World at War, 1914-18
examines one of the most important events in twentieth-century world history, the First World War, and the war’s global impact on economics, society, culture, politics, and warfare. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/IS.
HIST 3808 The World at War: 1939-45
examines how World War II marked an end to twenty years of a broad European peace and a reversal of the international political order established after the First World War. It examines the conflict from many different perspectives to reveal how this conflict was partly shaped by the first half of the twentieth century and how it shaped the second half of it. The emphasis is on the war’s global nature.
HIST 3840 Historical Methods
is an introduction to the methods and practices of history in the modern era. This course is compulsory for Honours students and recommended for Majors, including those intending to apply for graduate studies. For Historical Studies students at Grenfell Campus this course is required for all majors and minors.
HIST 4101 The Renaissance in Europe, 1400-1550
is a seminar on the Renaissance in Europe, particularly in Italy and northern Europe, focusing especially on its intellectual and cultural aspects but also the social and gender history of the topic.
HIST 4230 Special Topics in Newfoundland History I
are specialized studies in the History of Newfoundland.
HIST 4231 Special Topics in Newfoundland History II
are specialized studies in the History of Newfoundland.
HIST 4254 Special Topics in Canadian History: A History of Social Welfare
is a study of the broad theme of the state and social welfare in Canada. The course examines the origins of modern forms of social control as evidenced in the nineteenth century prison, the lunatic asylum, and the poorhouse. As well, the course compares Canadian and British and American social welfare institutions and policies, and traces their historical evolution into the twentieth century.
HIST 4320 Special Topics in European History: The British Empire, 1688 to the Present
has a range of special topics.
HIST 4410-4430 (Excluding 4411, 4419, 4421) Historical Problems
are specialized studies in historical problems.
HIST 4560-4570 Special Topics in Social and Intellectual History
are specialized studies in social and intellectual history.
HIST 4730 Art History: Modern Art I
(same as Visual Arts 4730) is an examination of the cultural, social, and political forces which, from 1750 to 1850, were to have a major impact on modernity and later modern art.
HIST 4731 Art History: Modern Art II
(same as Visual Arts 4731) is an examination of the various cultural and social forces between 1850 and 1914 which shaped the rise of the Modern movement.
HIST 4821 Reading Course
is a directed reading course for Honours and selected students including those intending to apply for graduate studies. Readings will be taken from a list of significant works in History, the Humanities, and the Social Sciences.
HIST 4950 Independent Project in Historical Studies
will have students complete an independent research project under the supervision of a faculty member or members. Topics must have the approval of the Program Chair of Historical Studies.
HIST 4951 Advanced Research Essay I
is the preparatory course for the writing of the advanced research essay. Working under the supervision of an instructor, students will develop a knowledge of the scholarship in the chosen field and prepare a detailed essay proposal.
HIST 4952 Advanced Research Essay II
is a course in which students, working under the supervision of an instructor, will carry out the research essay proposal that they developed in HIST 4951, conducting the necessary historical research and analysis. Students will present their work in written and oral form.
AR = Attendance requirement as noted. CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours. CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described. CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent. Credit is limited to one of these courses. Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements. EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination. Credit is limited to one of these courses. These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements. |
LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted. LH = Laboratory hours per week. OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars. PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described. UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted. |