Frequently Asked Questions About Grenfell Business
Below is a list of the most common questions (and answers!) we receive from business students. Before contacting an academic advisor or gcbusiness@mun.ca with questions related to any of Grenfell’s business programs, please check out the FAQs posted here—you are likely to find the answer you're looking for, without delay!
Jump to:
- Application & Acceptance
- Registration-related Questions
- General Course-related Questions
- Business Course-related Questions
- Transfer-Related Questions
- Contact us!
Application & Acceptance
How do I apply to Memorial University?
Complete the online application here: Admission/Readmission. For more information on the admissions process, head to the University's Admissions page.
What are tuition costs at Memorial University?
The cost of tuition and other student fees at Memorial may found here.
What are my options to study business at Grenfell Campus?
Grenfell Business offers several different ways to explore business, which you can check out on our Program Options webpage here.
Students may complete individual business courses as stand-alone courses or as a part of other academic programs; a Business minor program; a certificate in Entrepreneurship; or a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). At the master’s level, students may study in the Master of Management Program.
Are there both full-time and part-time study options in Grenfell Business programs?
The majority of students pursuing business through a Grenfell Business program study on a full-time basis (enrolling in 3-5 courses in a term), however, we also have students completing their programs on a part-time basis (enrolling in 1-2 courses over a semester).
To find out what status best suits your personal circumstance, feel free to reach out to discuss: gcbusiness@mun.ca.
How do I apply to the Grenfell Business program?
First-time applicants: On Memorial’s Undergraduate application, under “Campus,” select "Grenfell" (even if you plan to complete some/all of your program online), and under “Program,” choose "Business Administration.”
Already a Memorial University student? Simply complete the Declaration/Change of Academic Program form and contact gcbusiness@mun.ca for approval.
Students who began their business studies at the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) on the St. John's campus who wish to switch to the BBA program at Grenfell must also complete a Declaration/Change of Academic Program before being considered a Grenfell Business students.
Looking for advanced standing? If you have completed courses or programs from other post-secondary institutions, you may be eligible for Advanced Standing in the Grenfell Business program.
First, you must apply for general admission to the University; and second, request that your previous post-secondary institution (e.g., CNA, other university) send your official transcript to Memorial, after your course/program has been awarded. Memorial's Transfer Credit Office (transfer.credit@mun.ca) will determine whether you meet the criteria for course or block transfer. Please visit our Transfers & Articulation page for further details.
I've been accepted to the Grenfell Business program—now what?
Congratulations and welcome to Grenfell Business! The next step is to register for courses once your registration time is posted in your Memorial Self Service account.
If you are completing the Business Minor program or the Certificate in Entrepreneurship, you should first consult the Program Options page to identify your specific program requirements.
If you are completing the 120-credit hour (~four year) BBA program, you can find your program requirements and detailed program guide here.
If you have been approved for Advanced Standing in the Grenfell BBA program under one of our existing articulation agreements with the College of the North Atlantic, you will have been awarded a 60 or 75-credit hour block, depending on the CNA program you completed. You can review your specific program requirements and find the corresponding program guides here.
Students who have been accepted with Advanced Standing from other post-secondary institutions should contact us at gcbusines@mun.ca to discuss your specific program requirements and guide.
Registration-related Questions
When do I register for my courses?
To find the specific date and time when you can begin your registration before the start of each term, visit Memorial Self Service and find the menu option titled "View Registration Times."
You are strongly encouraged to register for courses as soon as you are eligible to do so.Courses fill quickly and there are limits on the number of students who can enroll in each class. Once course capacities are reached, it is unlikely that you will be able to gain entry to the course in that term, and this will have implications for your program plan.
You should also note that most BUSN courses are reserved for Grenfell Business students. If you intend to complete a Grenfell Business program but haven't formally declared as a Grenfell Business student, you must complete a Declaration/Change of Academic Program form and submit it to gcbusiness@mun.ca.
How do I register for courses?
Students register for all Memorial University courses (that includes Grenfell courses!) online through the Memorial Self Service system; step-by-step instructions are found here.
I can't register for a certain course, but I can see that there are seats available! What is happening?
The majority of seats in most Grenfell Business (BUSN) courses are reserved for students who are declared in one of our Grenfell Business programs.
If you intend to complete a minor, certificate, or BBA program through Grenfell Business, you should declare your status as a Grenfell Business student as soon as possible: complete a Declaration/Change of Academic Program form and submit it to gcbusiness@mun.ca. Once your declaration is approved and processed, you will be able to access seats that are reserved for Grenfell Business students.
I have been placed on a waitlist. What does this mean?
All courses have maximum enrollment limits (caps) and a limited waitlist. When a class has reached its enrollment limit, if you meet the prerequisite requirements for the course, you will automatically be added to the waitlist. If a student who is currently registered in the course withdraws, the first person on the waitlist is automatically transferred to the registered list.
All waitlists are removed ("dropped") prior to the beginning of the semester. If space does not become available in a course before the start of the term, there will no longer be a record of the waitlist, and you will have to wait until the next offering of the course (i.e., in another semester) before you may attempt to enroll once again.
This is why it is so important to register for your courses as soon as your registration time allows. Classes and waitlists fill quickly, particularly for required courses, and class caps are generally not increased.
What happens if I drop a course?
Before making a decision to drop a course, you are strongly encouraged to reach out to gcbusiness@mun.ca so that we may identify specific implications for your program, and help you identify the best options.
Each semester’s BUSN course offerings are planned based on the needs of students who are carrying a five-course workload each fall and winter semester; BUSN courses are scheduled to enable these students to complete their program requirements in sequence. If you decide to drop a course at any point in your program, your planned program progression will be disrupted, and it is likely that you will require additional time to complete your business program.
Dropping a course before the University deadline to drop without academic prejudice (check out the University Diary for specific dates) will not carry academic consequences on your transcript, however, dropping a course after this deadline will only be granted in exceptional circumstances, and may result in a notation on your official academic transcript. Read more about the process and implications of dropping a course here.
General Course-related Questions
I have been registered for a course called Academic Integrity (INTG 1000). What is it and do I have to take it?
INTG 1000: Academic Integrity is an online, non-credit course that reviews the University’s regulations around academic integrity.
All Memorial students must complete this course in their first semester of study; students who are not successful in completing the course before the registration period for the next term will not be assigned a registration time for that semester.
You can read more about Academic Integrity here.
What is SVM 0204, and do I have to take it?
SVM 0204: Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention is an online, non-credit course that all Memorial students must complete during their first term at the University. Students who do not successfully complete the modules in this course before the registration period for the next semester begins, will not be permitted to register.
You can read more about SVM 0204 here.
Do I need to write the Math Placement Test (MPT) as a Grenfell Business student?
Not necessarily.
Grenfell Business students must complete MATH 1052: Mathematics for Business as a part of the BBA program; the Math Placement Test (MPT) is not required to enroll in MATH 1052.
The Grenfell Business Program also accepts MATH 1000: Calculus I in place of MATH 1052; students who wish to enroll in MATH 1000 usually require a MPT score. You can identify whether you would need to complete the MPT here; be sure to scroll to the “Grenfell Campus” table.
What are prerequisites/corequisites?
A prerequisite (noted as PR) is a course that must be completed before you will be permitted to register for a subsequent course. For example, BUSN 3500 is a prerequisite for BUSN 4010, so students must complete BUSN 3500 before being able to enroll in BUSN 4010. Prerequisite requirements for Grenfell Business courses are noted in the University Calendar and may be reviewed here.
You may also see courses listed as a corequisite (noted as CO). Corequisites are noted for courses that may be taken at the same time, rather than one before the other.
Can someone waive my prerequisites/corequisites?
Prerequisites and corequisites are attached to courses that require the completion of another course(s) before students can be expected to successfully complete that course. Neither prerequisite nor corequisite courses are waived for students, and so must be taken into account as you plan your program. Failure to complete required prerequisite/corequisite courses in sequence will impact the length of time it will take to finish the overall program.
A notable exception: In rare instances, Memorial's registration system may not recognize that you have actually completed a course prerequisite. For instance, you may have received a transfer credit at another institution that the registration system does not recognize. In this case, you may receive an error notice that reads “You have not met the prerequisites for this course.”
If you receive this notice and you believe you may be the rare exception to this rule, please notify gcbusiness@mun.ca and we will review your transcript and rectify the error if appropriate.
Business Course-related Questions
How do I know what course is a Grenfell Business course?
Grenfell Business courses have the prefix BUSN. All Grenfell Business students must ensure they are selecting BUSN courses when they register each term.
Courses with the prefix “BUSI” are business courses that are offered through the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) on the St. John’s Campus, and are administered by the FBA, not by Grenfell Business.
What’s the difference between Grenfell Business courses and business courses in the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA)?
Grenfell Business courses are identified by the "BUSN" prefix; FBA (St. John's campus) business courses begin with "BUSI."
The difference is that BUSN courses are administered by the Grenfell Business Program, and reserved for Grenfell Business Students; BUSI courses are controlled by the FBA, and reserved for students in the FBA’s business programs.
BUSN and BUSI courses are not necessarily interchangeable or available to all business students. Grenfell Business students who have questions about registering in a BUSI course should first contact gcbusiness@mun.ca.
What are “Core” business courses?
As a part of your business programming, you will likely have to complete both “core” and “elective” courses.
Core courses required by 120-credit hour BBA students and noted here. Students in other Grenfell Business programs should review their core program requirements under Program Options.
All BBA students are also required to complete electives (some business, some non-business—check out the next FAQ!). It is your responsibility to review available course offerings each term, and to choose electives from that list based on personal interests, skill-building potential, appealing time slot, mode of delivery, or a host of other factors that will be important to you.
What's the difference between “Business” and “Non-Business” Electives?
In addition to core course requirements in your business program, BBA students are also required to complete elective courses, which are courses that are not strictly prescribed by your program curriculum, meaning you have some choice to select these courses.
BBA students must complete elective both within the field of business (i.e., Business Electives, found in Table 7 of the University calendar), and will also need to complete a number of courses outside the business discipline (i.e., Non-Business Electives, courses that do not have the prefix BUSN or BUSI). Studying elective courses adds valuable breadth to your university education.
The specific number of business and non-business electives you will need to complete may be different depending on your specific business program; please be sure to review the regulations required of your particular curriculum.
While you are ultimately responsible to select your elective courses (based on personal interests, skill-building potential, appealing time slot, mode of delivery, or a host of other factors that will be important to you!), you may be interested to know that many Grenfell Business students take non-business electives in subject areas such as Psychology, Tourism Studies, Sociology, Mathematics, Anthropology, Historical Studies, and Human Kinetics & Recreation (though you should feel free to explore any discipline!
Where can I find a list of BUSN courses offered each term?
The Office of the Registrar posts the University's official course offerings just before the registration session opens each term. Check out this link to view the upcoming term's slate of courses.
When searching for course offerings, be sure to choose the correct term; choose "All" for your “Campus” (so you will see both on campus and online BUSN offerings); and "Business Admin (Grenfell)" for your subject area; this will generate a list of all available BUSN courses.
A term’s course offerings are not finalized until a few weeks before the start of registration; for this reason, it is only possible to set your program plan one term at a time.
If you are uncertain about which courses you should be taking at any point, connect with an academic advisor right away! Email us at gcbusiness@mun.ca for direction.
How do I find out what BUSN textbooks I need for the upcoming term?
Students should expect that most of their courses will require the purchase of a textbook (often an eText) or other supplemental resources (e.g., business cases).
Required textbooks/resource material for your courses will be identified by your instructor on the first day of class each term. Students may also search the online or on-campus bookstores in the weeks before the start of term to find out if course materials are available.
Course materials for online business courses will be published by the MUN Bookstore and may be accessed here. Be sure to select “Online Courses” as the Campus, the correct term, and “BUSN” as the Program & Courses option to find the correct course material.
Resource materials for on-campus business courses at Grenfell may also be found online at the MUN Bookstore or the Grenfell Campus Bookstore. For on-campus courses using eTexts at Grenfell, search “Grenfell Campus/Remote” as the Campus, the correct term, and “BUSN” as the Program & Courses option to find the corresponding course material.
Finally, students should note that they may also purchase course materials directly from publishers, from other online retailers, or from former students. In these cases, it is your responsibility to ensure you are purchasing the correct version of the course material.
Why can't I take BUSN 4010 and BUSN 4070 together?
BUSN 4010: Strategy I is a prerequisite for BUSN 4070: Strategy II, and under no circumstances are they permitted to be taken together as one is a continuation of the other.
These strategy courses are the capstone courses in the Grenfell Business program, and are intended for completion in a student’s final two semesters. They are designed to be taken in sequence (BUSN 4010 followed by BUSN 4070), as students must master the skills in Strategy I before being able to take on the work of Strategy II.
There are no substitutions for either of these two courses; all Grenfell Business students are required to complete BUSN 4010 and 4070 through the Grenfell Business program.
I want to pursue a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation after I finish my BBA. Can I do any of the CPA PREP courses at Grenfell?
You may complete almost every CPA PREP course equivalent through Grenfell Business; check out the list of CPA PREP equivalent courses here; select the guide for “Newfoundland and Labrador,” and check out the Grenfell Campus column of courses.
Can I take courses in the summer?
With the exception of BUSN 1010: Introduction to Business, which is often offered in the compressed Intersession term each May and June, BUSN courses are generally not available in the Spring session (May-August). Grenfell Business (BUSN) courses (online and on-campus) are delivered in the Fall and Winter semesters each year.
Students interested in pursuing courses in the intersession/summer/spring semesters are encouraged to explore Non-Business courses (e.g., Economics, English, Mathematics, or Non-Business electives). As always, seeking the direction of an academic advisor before you register is always a good idea (gcbusiness@mun.ca).
What happens if the Grenfell Business course I need is not offered in the term I want it?
Not all Grenfell Business courses are offered in all semesters; this applies to both online and on campus offerings.
Fall and winter term course offerings are scheduled in a way that permits all Grenfell Business students to progress in their program according to our published program guides. For this reason, it is critical that you reach out to an academic advisor or email gcbusiness@mun.ca for academic advice each semester.
Keeping track of your courses on your own program guide is a great way to effectively manage your program progression.
Can I take a course from the St. John's/other campus if the course I want is not available at Grenfell or through Grenfell Business?
Once again, it depends!
Students may complete any non-business electives at any Memorial University campus to fulfill their Grenfell BBA degree. That said, some courses are ONLY available through Grenfell Campus (e.g., MATH 1052, BUSN 2310, BUSN 4010, BUSN 4070).
CAUTION: not all credits are “interchangeable” or considered “equivalent"; students should check with an academic advisor to discuss any questions you have before registering for a course. Reach out to us: gcbusiness@mun.ca!
Why can’t I just take BUSI (Faculty of Business Administration) courses?
Just as BUSN are reserved for Grenfell Business students (which gives Grenfell Business students priority in registering for BUSN courses), the Faculty of Business Administration in St. John’s reserve their BUSI courses for their declared students.
If you meet the prerequisites for a BUSI course, and if there is space in the course after the FBA’s students have had an opportunity to register, you may be permitted to enroll in a BUSI course, however, you must contact the FBA directly at busihelp@mun.ca to request to be added to the course. It is entirely up to the FBA whether they will permit a non-FBA student in their course; Grenfell Business has no say in this decision.
Students who are requesting to be added to a BUSI course should also notify gcbusiness@mun.ca to ensure the BUSI course will satisfy their Grenfell Business program requirements.
Can I complete my BBA program faster than the program guides suggest?
Generally speaking, this is neither recommended, nor possible.
Each year's course offerings are planned to enable students to complete their programs based on the specific sequences set out by our program guides. These are designed with course prerequisites in mind, and based on students carrying a full course load of 5 courses per fall and winter term.
If you have existing transfer credits or are able to complete non-business courses in the intersession/spring/summer terms, these may reduce your course load in the fall and winter semesters, however, it is unlikely to impact the overall length of your program, since core BUSN courses are only available in the fall and winter terms.
As always, you are strongly encouraged to consult with an academic advisor or reach out to us at gcbusiness@mun.ca to identify the most appropriate program plan for you.
Can I complete my Grenfell BBA fully online?
The answer is “it depends!”
While many Grenfell Business courses have been developed for online delivery, students should note that not all courses required for the 120-credit hour Grenfell BBA program are available online.
Students who have been awarded a block transfer as graduates of CNA’s 3-year Business Management programs are able to complete their degree fully online, provided they enroll in with a five-course course load in consecutive FALL-WINTER-FALL semesters, based on a prescribed sequence; review program guide here.
Students who received the block transfer as graduates of CNA’s 2-year Business Administration diploma programs may be able to complete their program requirements online, but this depends on the specific CNA concentration; please contact gcbusiness@mun.ca to discuss.
Transfer-Related Questions
How do I know if my school/program has an articulation agreement with Grenfell Business?
Presently, Grenfell Business only has articulation agreements with the College of the North Atlantic (CNA).
Please visit our Transfers & Articulation Agreements page and reach out to gcbusiness@mun.ca with questions, but if you have completed a business program at CNA, and are interested in applying for Advanced Standing in the Grenfell Business program you will first need to apply for General Admission/Readmission. On the undergraduate application, select “Grenfell” as your campus (even if you plan to complete some/all of your program online), and choose "Business Administration" as your program.
Next, you will need to request that CNA send your official transcript to Memorial once your course or diploma has been awarded. Memorial’s Transfer Credit office will determine whether you meet the criteria for course or block transfer.
If you have completed a business program at another post-secondary institution, while you will not be eligible for a block transfer, once you apply for and are accepted to Memorial University (start the process here) you may request that the Transfer Credit office review the courses you completed in your previous program to determine if any will be accepted as Memorial University credits. This will require you to provide copies of course outlines for each course you completed at your previous institution.
If the transfer review determines that one/some/all of your previously completed courses qualify for Memorial University credit, you will be awarded either specified or unspecified credits that may be counted toward the completion of the Grenfell BBA program. Once transfer credits have been awarded, students should meet with an academic advisor to plan for their remaining program requirements; please reach out to us at gcbusiness@mun.ca.
I have previously completed courses at Memorial/other post-secondary institution; how can I find out if these courses will transfer to Grenfell Business?
It may be possible to use previously-earned credits from Memorial/other university to satisfy your Grenfell Business program requirements.
Students with existing Memorial course credits should meet with an academic advisor to determine how those credits will impact their individual program plan; reach out us to at gcbusiness@mun.ca.
Students with post-secondary credits from another institution will first need to apply/re-apply to the University (refer to the "How do I apply to Memorial University" question above). Once accepted to the University, you may request that the Transfer Credit office review any existing courses to determine if they will be accepted as Memorial credits. This process requires students to provide copies of course outlines for each course completed at their former institution.
If the transfer review determines that one/some/all of your previously completed courses qualify for Memorial University credit, you will be awarded either specified or unspecified credits that may be counted toward the completion of the Grenfell BBA program. Once transfer credits have been awarded, students should meet with an academic advisor to plan for their remaining program requirements; please reach out to us at gcbusiness@mun.ca.
I received a block transfer to the Grenfell BBA Program, and I don’t think I should have to take a certain course (e.g., BUSN 4010: Strategy I) because I already completed it as a part of my previous diploma program—what’s the deal?
As a part of the articulation agreements/block transfer process, every program course in both the sending (e.g., CNA) and receiving (e.g., Grenfell Campus) institution’s programs are reviewed and assessed for equivalency.
If you have received a block transfer, please understand that the specific courses that comprise your BBA program have been carefully selected to address the areas that demand additional study to achieve your bachelor’s degree.
While you may have completed similar courses in your previous program, if you have not been granted credit for the course in your block transfer, it has been determined to not be equivalent to the Grenfell Business credit, thus the requirement to complete the course through Memorial.
I received a block transfer to the Grenfell BBA Program, but can I be awarded extra credits beyond the block?
If you have completed additional course(s) beyond your diploma program requirements in your previous institution, you may be eligible for additional transfer credits. In this case, you would need to request a review of this course by the Transfer Credit office (review process here).
If the only courses you completed in your diploma program were all required for the program requirements, no additional credits are available to be transferred.
Still have Questions?
Contact us!
If you have questions related to the Grenfell Business Program, please reach out to us at gcbusiness@mun.ca—we are happy to hear from you!
Questions related to general study at Grenfell Campus are best directed to gcstudy@mun.ca.