
To be accepted to this program at Grenfell, you must meet the general admission requirements for Memorial University and select your major. Any inquiries related to admission to this program, contact gcstudy@mun.ca.

Our Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Collaborative) Program provides you with skills that are in high demand. As a nurse you’ll become an integral member of the largest and most influential group of health care providers. You will help improve the lives of individuals, families and entire populations, in all corners of the world. We offer students both real and simulated client care experiences in a variety of care areas.

The number of clinical experience hours our students complete throughout the program is among the highest in the country. WRSON has graduated more than 2000 nurses since its first graduating class of 1971. The BScN (Collaborative) Program has received four seven-year gold accreditations from the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing. 


Don't just take our word for it. Hear from our faculty, students and alumni!







Western Regional School of Nursing (WRSON) is part of a nursing collaborative program which is offered at locations across the province, including: Western Regional School of Nursing, Corner Brook; Memorial University Faculty of Nursing, St. John's; Centre for Nursing Studies, St. John's; and satellite locations in Gander, Grand Falls-Windsor, and Happy Valley-Goose Bay (Labrador Campus). All locations offer the same curriculum.  

Peggy Colbourne, B.N., M.N. (Memorial)


Office: #102 | Phone: 709-784-5687 | Email: x93pac@mun.ca