Program Requirements
Main program requirements
Students will complete 40 courses (three credit hours per course).
- History 1100 and History 1101 (two courses which together provide an introduction to the discipline of history as well as a survey of Western history from the fifteenth century to the twenty-first century, introducing students to key historical concepts, ideas and events)
- Four courses from the Early Western History list
- Four courses from the Later Western History list
- History 3840 (Historical Methods)
- Two courses in 4000-level History courses other than History 4950, 4951 or 4952
- Senior Project in historical studies - see below
As well as,
- Courses from a list of specified Courses in Disciplines related to History
- An eight-course minor in one or a balanced combination of two disciplines other than history
- Two courses in first-year English
- 11 electives
Note: Students must ensure the Grenfell Campus core requirements are met.
Early Western History
- History/Classics 2035, 2040, 3090
- History 2100, 2200, 2260, 2300, 2320, 2330, 3030, 3050, 3110, 3135, 3320, 3370, 3442, 3445, 3551, 3760, 3786
- History/Anthropology 3520
- History/Art History 2700, 3700, 3701
Later Western History
- History 2120, 2210, 2260, 2310, 2500, 2510, 2540, 3030, 3060, 3102, 3120, 3250, 3330, 3380, 3440, 3460, 3490, 3551, 3675, 3770, 3801, 3807, 3808
- History/Anthropology/Archaeology 3525
- History/Art History 2701
Note: the Historical Studies program unit has been developing new courses that cover both Early and Later Western History and thus appear in both categories (i.e., 3030 and 3551). These courses that are listed in both Early and Later Western History categories cannot be double-counted for both categories.
Note: 4000-level History courses cannot be used as substitutes for the required 2000/3000-level courses in Early or Later Western history.
Senior Project
The historical studies degree at Grenfell culminates with the Senior Project, of which there are two options: i) HIST 4950 Independent Project; or ii) HIST 4951 and 4952 Advanced Research Essay I and II. In either option, the student brings together all of his or her learning to write an essay on any topic of his or her choice, providing that a faculty member is available to supervise it. The senior project allows the student to delve into areas of history of interest to the student that perhaps were only touched on - or not covered at all - in other courses.
Minor in historical studies
Students completing a minor in historical studies will complete eight courses (three credit hours per course) including:
- History 1100 and History 1101
- History 3840 (Historical Methods)
- One course (three credit hours) at the 3000 level in History
- One course (three credit hours) at the 4000 level in History
- Three additional courses (nine credit hours) in History
Minor in art history
Students may now wish to take a minor in art history at Grenfell Campus. Below are the requirements for a minor in Art History:
- Visual Arts 2700 and 2701
- 18 credit hours in Art History at the 3000- or 4000- level
To complete a Major in Historical Studies, students must complete a number of courses from the following list. The number of courses required from this list for the Historical Studies major depends on the route that the student chooses for the senior research project. Those students who opt for HIST 4950 Independent Project are required to take five courses from this list; students who choose HIST 4951/4952 are required to take only four of these courses. These courses have been chosen because they have some historical content in them and thus can offer Historical Studies majors some degree of breadth and interdisciplinarity. These courses are thematically or methodologically relevant to the study of History. These courses are generally at the first, second, third, and fourth-year level.
Students may be allowed to take other courses with permission of the Program Chair. Please contact the chair of Historical Studies for a list of additional courses that can be used to fulfill this program requirement.
Applicable courses used to satisfy the Minor requirements may also be counted as Historical Studies credits. No more than 6 credit hours from any one discipline will be counted toward Historical Studies Major. This is an updated list. Courses that were on the former list but no longer on this new list will still serve as valid courses for this program requirement.
- Anthropology 1031 Introduction to Anthropology
- Anthropology/Folklore/Sociology 2230 Newfoundland Society and Culture
- Anthropology/Sociology 2260 War and Aggression
- Anthropology/Sociology 2270 Families
- Anthropology/Sociology 3140 Social Movements
- Anthropology/Sociology 3314 Gender and Society
- Classics 1100 Life in Ancient Greece
- Classics 1200 Life in Ancient Rome
- Classics 3700 The Ancient World in Film
- Economics 1010 Introduction to Microeconomics I (formerly, Economics 2010)
- Economics 1020 Introduction to Macroeconomics II (formerly, Economics 2020)
- English 2005 Literary Survey I (the beginning to 1600)
- English 2006 Literary Survey II (1660-1837)
- English 2007 Literary Survey III (1837 to the present)
- English 2155 Newfoundland Literature
- English 2215 American Literature to 1900
- English/ Social/Cultural Studies 2244 The Graphic Novel - Historical, Cultural, and Literary Contexts
- English 3215 20th Century American Literature
- Folklore 1000 Introduction to Folklore
- Folklore 2300 Newfoundland Folklore (same as Anthropology 2300)
- Folklore 2401 Folklore Studies
- Folklore 2500 Folk Literature (same as Anthropology 2500)
- French 1501 Introductory University French, II
- French 1502 Introductory University French, III
- French 2100 Intermediate French, I
- French 2101 intermediate French, II
- French 2601 Reading Skills
- French 2602 Reading Complete Texts
- Geography 1050 Geographies of Global Change
- Geography 2001 Cultural Geography
- Humanities 2002 Thought and Society in the Medieval World
- Humanities 3001 The Early Modern Period
- Humanities 3002 The Modern World
- Philosophy 1005 Philosophy of Human Nature (or the former Philosophy 1600)
- Philosophy 2201 History of Ancient Philosophy (or the former Philosophy 2701)
- Philosophy 2215 History of Modern Philosophy (or the former Philosophy 2702)
- Philosophy 3400 Political Philosophy
- Political Science 1000 Introduction to Politics
- Political Science 1020 Issues in World Politics
- Political Science 2200 Introduction to International Politics
- Political Science 2800 Introduction to Canadian Politics and Government
- Religious Studies 2013 Introduction to Christianity
- Religious Studies 2050 Introduction to the Old Testament
- Religious Studies 2051 Introduction to the New Testament
- Social/Cultural Studies 2000 Introduction to Social/Cultural Studies
- Sociology 1000 Introduction to Sociology
- Sociology 2120 Technology and Society
- Sociology 3040 Introduction to the Methods of Social Research
- Sociology 3150 Classical Social Theory
- Theatre 1000 Introduction to the History of Theatre I
- Theatre 1001 Introduction to the History of Theatre II
A minor in art history will broaden your understanding of art and architecture and how they reflect the progression of human civilization. Courses in art history at Grenfell will demonstrate how the creativity of human civilizations is meaningful as historical evidence.
If you have a passion for travel, you may wish to take your appreciation of and exposure to art to an international level. Memorial University's Harlow Campus is the site of Grenfell's intensive art history study experience, which is held every two years. This 12-week immersion program offers three full credit courses open to students in the VA program and other degree areas. If you choose to go to Harlow, you’ll take daily field trips to important cultural and architectural sites in the UK. The majority of the course work occurs directly in London, with regular trips into the city. These art history courses are immersive and experiential, offering a hybrid of art history, visual and material culture, and studio-based work. You’ll also have the opportunity to travel to Bath, Salisbury, Stonehenge, St. Ives and Bristol as well as day trips to Cambridge, Saffron Walden and Brighton. In addition, there’s time to plan your own week-long excursion virtually anywhere in Europe.
Art history courses
- 2700 - Art history survey I (same as history 2700)
- 2701 - Art history survey II (same as history 2701)
- 3620 - Philosophy of art
- 3700 - Art history: The Italian renaissance (same as history 3700
- 3701 - Art History: The Renaissance outside Italy (same as history 3701)
- 3702-3721 - Art history: Special topics
- 3820 - Religion and the arts (same as religious studies 3820)
- 4700-4729 - Art history: Special topics
- 4730 - Art history: Modern art I: Precursors to modernism (same as history 4730)
- 4731 - Art history: Modern art II: Early modernism (same as history 4731)