President's Awards for Exemplary Employees

The President's Awards for Exemplary Employees recognize non-academic employees of Memorial University and employees of Memorial separately incorporated entities who make transformational impacts with significant contributions to the university community.

The program includes three categories:

1. Team Memorial Award – awarded to a team (for example unit, group, committee or department) that demonstrates extraordinary collaboration, interdisciplinary approaches and creative means to engage across locations and/or clearly demonstrates a commitment to working across units and locations to collaboratively align towards Memorial’s vision and goals. One award is granted in this category.

2. Champion of Innovation – awarded to a team and/or individual demonstrating extraordinary commitment to novel approaches, invigorating practices and sustainable operations, and experimenting with bold endeavors. As we recognize that innovative practices require risk and, at times, failure and continuous learning, this award is granted based upon the commitment to innovation and not to the success of the endeavor or program. Up to two awards (one team, one individual) may be granted in this category.

3. Champion of Service - awarded to individuals who demonstrate an extraordinary commitment to: listening and being responsive to students, the Memorial community, alumni, employers, business and/or community partners; fostering an environment where others thrive; advancing Memorial’s reputation; and developing relationships based upon attentive listening, openness, transparency and trust. Up to three awards may be granted in this category and may consider early career through to sustained excellence over a career.

Specifically, the awards are based on demonstrated achievement and continued commitment to fostering Memorial’s strategic cultures, in excess of the level of performance required for their position. As always, the President’s Awards for Exemplary Employees Selection Committee will look for clear evidence that employees have created a transformational impact within the Memorial community. There must be a strong indication that they have contributed to furthering the university’s vision and aspirational cultures over and above the nominee's normal employment responsibilities.

A maximum of six awards will be presented annually to recipients recommended to the President by the Selection Committee. The number of awards presented in any given year will be at the discretion of the Selection Committee.

An award of $1,000 gross; this award may be presented as a cheque to the award recipients, a scholarship contribution, a hosted team event (for team awards) or a professional development contribution.

Nomination Process

Nominations for the President's Awards for Exemplary Employees will be accepted up to Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. To access the nomination form, please click here.