President's Award Exceptional Community Service

The President’s Award for Exceptional Community Service is presented each year in recognition of employees (faculty or staff) who have demonstrated outstanding community service. The inaugural award was presented in 2007.

Nominees for the award must have a sustained pattern of exceptional voluntary contributions to communities and/or community organizations. These contributions must be beyond what might normally be considered academic or professional service and must have had a significant impact upon those organizations or on the communities.

Nominees must be full-time employees (faculty or staff) with a minimum of five years of continuous service and have made the cited community contributions during their period of employment at Memorial University. The nominees must not have been previous winners of the award.


The award consists of a personalized scroll and a monetary award of $1,000. The names of award recipients will be publicly displayed together with those of other university-wide award winners. No more than two awards will be given in any year.


The Advisory Committee will consist of:

  • Vice President (Administration, Finance and Advancement) 
  • Faculty member
  • Staff member
  • One or more previous winners of the President’s Award for Exemplary Service

The members will be appointed by the President for staggered terms of up to three years. The President will appoint the Chair from among the members.


The nominator, who can be any member of the university or general public, should prepare a nomination file including the completed nomination form. The file shall include:

- A letter (not to exceed 1000 words) from the nominator detailing the exceptional nature of the nominee's contributions and the significance of that contribution;

- The nominee's résumé (not to exceed five pages);

- Up to three letters of support which address the exceptionality and significance as well as the scope, time-commitment and impact of the nominee's contributions;

- Relevant documentation in the public domain (including media reports) which provide additional evidence of the significance of the nominee's contributions. These materials are not to exceed five pages.

The nomination must be submitted to:

The Chair of the Advisory Committee, President's Award for Exceptional Community Service 

c/o the Department of Human Resources

Room A-4045

St. John's campus


Nominations must be submitted by noon on Sept. 25, 2024. 


Nominations will be assessed by the Advisory Committee, which will make its recommendation to the President.

Nominees not selected in a given year will automatically be brought forward for consideration in the year immediately following their initial nomination provided they are still eligible.


The President will inform the successful nominee(s) who will be recognized at a special awards ceremony, together with other university award recipients.