Research Opportunities

There are many research opportunities for undergraduate students in the Chemistry Department.


Many faculty hire undergraduates to work in their labs during the term through the university's MUCEP program. Jobs are posted during the first week of each term. This is a great way to get a taste for research and make connections with faculty and students in the department.

NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)

Want a really fun summer job that pays well? Want to discover new science? Consider applying for an NSERC USRA! NSERC (national funding agency) and Chemistry Department professors provide generous stipends through the USRA program for undergraduate students to carry out research during the summer. To apply for these awards you should:

  • Talk to potential supervisors
  • Official university transcript with most recent grades (request here)
  • Complete an online application through NSERC's website
  • Submit the completed package to the Office of the Dean of Science (Room C-2001).

If you receive an award, you will be notified in March or early April. You will have the opportunity to to choose your supervisor then, but it is helpful to talk to potential supervisors (and their group members) in advance.

If you have questions about this process, feel free to contact any potential supervisor or your undergraduate advisor.

Students who apply for an NSERC USRA are automatically considered for a Faculty of Science SURA Award

"NSERC/USRA's are a great way to get students involved in lab research and to gain experience using laboratory equipment. They really help you to get to know people in the department and most groups participate in fun summer events."