Pharmacy Practice Experience (PPE) Program

Pharmacy Practice Experiences (PPEs) enable students to gain practical experiences in pharmacy and related settings. Under the supervision of pharmacist preceptors, students will have the opportunity to apply their university-gained knowledge and skills to patients and practice situations in order to achieve proficiency and competency in performing the functions of a pharmacist.

The PharmD program requires 44 weeks of practice experience: 12 weeks of early pharmacy practice experience and 32 weeks of advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE).

Policy Handbook

Pharmacy Practice Experiences (PPE) outline:

Year 1
Students shadow a community pharmacist (4 x 3-hour sessions during the Winter semester) and complete community service learning (20 hours)

Year 2: Spring/Summer
: Community Pharmacy (6 weeks)

Year 3: Spring/Summer
: Hospital Dispensary (2 weeks) + PPE 3: Any direct patient care setting (4 weeks)

Year 4: Spring/Summer
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) Courses begin in May of Year 4
PHAR 605P: Direct Patient Care (8 weeks)
PHAR 606P: Acute Care Hospital (8 weeks)
PHAR 607P: Community Pharmacy (8 weeks)
PHAR 608P: Elective - Direct or Non-direct Patient Care (8 weeks)

Year 5: APPE courses continue throughout the Fall and Winter semesters of Year 5 and conclude by April

For further information contact:

Wanda Spurrell 
Practice Experience Program Coordinator
Tel: 709-864-7900
Fax: 709-864-6941