School of Pharmacy Golf Tournament a go!!

Jun 14th, 2021

Marcia Porter

Golf tournament a go!! (Photo taken before the days of COVID-19 and physical distancing.)
School of Pharmacy Golf Tournament a go!!

That's right! It's going ahead on July 29 at GlenDenning Golf Club, 120 Gabriel Rd., St. John's. 

Bet you're excited too! Maybe you like the golf, maybe it's all about the conversation, or riding in the golf carts. Maybe you like the great prizes, or maybe it's all of the above that brings you back every year. 

Whatever the reason, we're looking forward to seeing you! Here's a link to the registration form for this 12th annual tournament,which is more than a fun day out with friends and colleagues. It's an important fundraiser for our student initiatives, including scholarships!

And did we mention that it's fun? See for yourself! Look at the happy, smiling faces of Nancy and her team from Upper Island Cove Pharmacy, who've been enthusiastic participants for the past 12 years, since the beginning!

Sponsorship info: (more on the registration form)


$100 – Sponsor a hole = advertisement in golf brochure + company name on a hole

$500 – Sponsor lunch = color logo in the golf brochure & name on bagged lunch 

$500 – Sponsor a contest = color logo in the golf brochure & color logo on the contest hole

$450 – Enter a team of five (reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis and receive two power golf carts + lunch and chance to win various prizes.

$100 – Come and play (reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis), which gives you ½ power golf cart + lunch and chance to win various prizes.

* For further information, please contact Sharon Tucker at or (709) 864-6774.