Attention Classes of 2011, 06, 01, 96 and 91!

Sep 15th, 2016

School of Pharmacy

Reunion 2015
Attention Classes of 2011, 06, 01, 96 and 91!

Attention Classes of ’11, ’06, ’01,’96 and ’91!

 Quidi Vidi Brewery is the perfect place to drum up old memories and make some new ones. Join your School of Pharmacy family to clink a glass to times gone by. Peruse photos old and new, reconnect and reminisce with former educators, classmates and staff, mingle with members of your professional network and our current faculty and staff.

Targeted Years: 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996 and 1991

Cost: $10 per person (Includes all taxes plus a $1 service fee)

Contact(s): Sharon Tucker  |