Pharmacy 500X (Structured Practice Experience IV) is an advanced practice experience which takes place during the final semester of the undergraduate pharmacy program. The experience consists of two rotations, each of approximately six weeks duration, in two distinct clinical practice settings. Practice sites may be institution, clinic, or community based. The principal focus of the rotations is for the student to practice pharmaceutical care in a direct patient care role.

During SPE IV the student is expected to interact with the health care team, interview and assess patients, critically review the pharmacotherapy of patients, make specific therapeutic recommendations, monitor patient response to drug therapy, provide patient education, as well as meet the drug information needs of the health care team while supervised by a pharmacist preceptor. This final practice experience concludes the formal education component of the undergraduate pharmacy program and serves as a transition for the student’s entry into practice.

Pharmacy 500X SPE Manual

Pharmacy 500X Preceptor Evaluation-of-Student Form

Case Presentation Guidelines