Information for Spouses/Partners of International Students

We offer a wide range of support for spouses/partners of International Students. If you would like more personalized information on community and university support for your family, please email 

Work and Volunteer Opportunities

Spousal Open Work Permit: For more information visit the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website.

Finding work: Navigating job hunting in a new country can be quite stressful. Below, you'll find essential information to aid in preparedness and job search here in NL.

It's important that your spouse tailors a resume specifically for the Canadian job market. For more information on resumes, please see the resume format and content

For locating job opportunities, below is a small list of job-searching sites where you and your spouse can look for job opportunities.

Memorial University provides career support services free of charge for all students, alumni, and their spouses. To book an appointment with a career advisor, please see the Book an Appointment with a Career Advisor | Student Life | Memorial University of Newfoundland ( or reach out to 

Volunteering is a great way to meet people, become familiar with the community and develop skills to include on a resume. Information regarding volunteering opportunities can be found on campus at the Student Volunteer Bureau (Learn how to sign up for their mailing list here) or the Community Sector Council of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Many community groups also offer employment support services:

NL Labour Standards: Every province has different rules and regulations on labour standards please see Overview of NL Regulations

Please refer to the NL Labour Standards website for official information. Labour Standards staff are also available to provide interpretation and address enquiries about the rights and responsibilities related to a broad range of employment issues and can be contacted by emailing or calling: Toll-free: 1-877-563-1063 / St. John’s Office: 709-729-2742 Corner Brook Office: (709) 637-2364.

English as an additional language (off campus)

The Association for New Canadians (ANC)

The Association for New Canadians offers FREE evening English conversation classes to all newcomers. This is the perfect opportunity to practice English by speaking with others.

In-person classes are on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. at the ANC’s ESL Training Centre 148 Elizabeth Avenue (off Smithville Crescent). Drop-ins are welcome.

For more information, please contact: ESL Training Centre

Registration is free and you can join anytime.

Phone: (709) 726-6848


YMCA Conversation Cafe

For international post-secondary students and temporary foreign workers

Contact: Nasomi or call 709-691-1060

Community Programs

On Campus Weekly Social Programs

Sharing Joy Mom's group: This group is a great way to, build a women's community, have fun, support, and a safe space to share your ideas about your Canadian Experience as a mom and learn about various resources available to newcomers. Join us for some interesting discussions, games, snacks, and more! Women and children below age 6 are welcome to join this group! Wednesday from 10:30 am to 12 pm, Internationalization Office (Global Learning Center, Room 1013 and CA 2002). To join, please contact Deepika Vashisth.

Coffee Club: The Coffee Club presents a great way of meeting other students on campus. It is free to join and there is always interesting conversation and lots of opportunities to socialize. Coffee Club is held every Friday afternoon from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 pm. To join, please contact Juanita Hennessey.

Discussion group: Discussion Group is held every Wednesday from 4 pm - 5 pm. In the summer we meet earlier, from 3:00-4:00 pm.  Discussion Group is informal and open to the campus community, including spouses and alumni. If you are interested in meeting new people, sharing your experiences or just relaxing with a cup of coffee and listening to the conversation you are welcome to attend. To join, please contact Juanita Hennessey.

Activiea Group: Activitea Group is held every Tuesday from 3:00-4:00 pm. Activitea Group is an activity-based group involving walking, volunteering, and presentations on various activities and interests. The group is open to the campus community, including spouses and alumni. Each week there will be a different activity as well as a backup plan depending on the weather.

Off campus community Programs

For a comprehensive database of resources and programs in the city for families, click here

To learn about community programs both on and off-campus for spouses/partners of international students, see our Facebook page!