Public Engagement

What is Public Engagement?

According to Memorial University's Public Engagement Framework, the document that guides and supports public engagement at Memorial, public engagement at Memorial can be defined as:

"Collaborations between people and groups within Memorial and people and groups external to the University – i.e., the "public" – that further Memorial's mission. Drawing on the knowledge and resources brought by all involved, public engagement involves mutual respect, mutual contributions and mutual benefits for all participants."

Memorial's University's Office of Public Engagement (OPE) is the steward of the Public Engagement Framework. The OPE is a catalyst for action on public engagement at Memorial, working with internal and external groups to design programs and initiatives that advance the goals and objectives of the Framework.

The Office of Public Engagement offers funding and awards programs to further the goals and objectives of the Public Engagement Framework.


Public Engagement at the School of Social Work

Since public engagement is integral to the field of social work, the school has many examples of reaching out to and liaising with various agencies and organizations, collaborating with other Memorial departments, and helping to disseminate knowledge and awareness,  as part of what we do on a regular basis.


Some examples include:

The Centre for Social Enterprise (CSE), a campus-wide centre led by a partnership between the Faculty of Business Administration, the School of Social Work and the School of Music, was created to act as a catalyst in developing new social entrepreneurs, strengthening existing social enterprises and building resilience through social innovation to foster economic success and sustainability throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. Find out more.      See Telegram story.

Frontline stories: Identifying the strengths and gaps of military and veteran supports

Pushing the point: Interdisciplinary peer training and overdose prevention

Best Sex in Years: A Seniors' Guide to Making Love Better than Ever

Emotion and intellect: Blanket exercise brings Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal history to life

Effecting change: The First World War and the evolution of social work in N.L.

Social entrepreneurship: Pilot project develops future leaders with work placements

The big picture: Exhibit on transportation and quality of life for persons with disabilities

Accidental educator: 'Think before asking me to share my culture'