BSW Field Education

Field Practica
Each student will be involved in two field practicum experiences SCWK 3300 (Fall semester) and SCWK 4302 (Winter semester). Field practicum agencies are in both rural and urban settings.
The final decision regarding a student's practicum setting rests with a BSW Field Education Coordinator or the agency.
The procedures associated with setting up and completing field practica and the expectations and evaluation of these experiences are presented in the .
Field Practicum Preparation Seminars (SCWK 230A & SCWK 230B)
In the semesters prior to their first field practicum, students are required to register and participate in six field preparation seminars. These seminars review the field practicum requirements, aid students in writing resumes and preparing for interviews, and discuss occupational stress injuries, ethics, professionalism, and respectful workplaces. Students who do not complete all six seminars may be delayed in starting their practicum.