Doctoral Program in Social Work (PhD)
The due date for applications to the PhD Program is September 15 in even-numbered years. The next admissions year will be in 2024. Inquiries about the program may be directed to
The Social Work PhD program was introduced in 1995 and is the only such program in Atlantic Canada.
Memorial University's PhD program in Social Work provides regionally relevant and accessible, advanced and specialized education in social work.
The program is research-based, stressing critical thinking and the production of original and significant scholarship.
The program focuses on (1) advanced social work practice and (2) social work education, emphasizing commitment to people and social justice.
Internship and Mentoring
The PhD program includes an internship in Advanced Social Work Practice, Social Work Education, or Applied Social Work Research. The internship is intended to provide students with the opportunity to enhance their expertise and knowledge in a particular area. This is achieved through a mentoring process. The internship involves 250 hours, including 39 hours of direct mentoring.
Interim Associate Dean of Graduate Programs
For information about the program, please contact:
Graduate Studies Programs
School of Social Work
Memorial University
St. John's, NL Canada A1C 5S7
Phone: 709-864-2557
Fax: 709-864-7026