Faculty members are full-time members of the department who have considerable research expertise in their subject field. They supervise our graduate students, are members of professional organizations and university committees, participate in public events and are committed to the overall strength of the Department of Archaeology at Memorial University.
Click on the faculty name to find out more about their research, current projects, student supervision and publications.
Dr. Mario Blaser
Cross-Appointed to Anthropology and Geography
Graduate Officer
Office: QC-4017
Email: mblaser@mun.ca
Research Interests: heritage and the politics of place; food and energy sovereignty; grassroots movements and initiatives; science and technology studies; political ontology and ontological conflicts; decolonization; Latin America; Newfoundland and Labrador.

Dr. Meghan Burchell
Associate Professor
Associate Dean, Research (Acting), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Office: QC 2007
Email: mburchell@mun.ca
Research Interests: coastal landscapes, isotope analysis, sclerochronology, geochemical applications in archaeology, climate proxies, mortuary archaeology, gender and archaeology.
Dr. Véronique Forbes
Associate Professor
Office: QC 4014
Telephone: 709-864-8311
Email: vforbes@mun.ca
Research Interests: Environmental archaeology and palaeoecology, North Atlantic Archaeology (mostly Newfoundland and Labrador, Iceland, Greenland, Alaska), insects (mostly Coleoptera), peat bogs, sustainability.

Dr. Barry Gaulton
Editor, Newfoundland and Labrador Studies
Office: QC 2009
Email: bgaulton@mun.ca
Research Interests: Historical archaeology, early modern fisheries (and other extractive industries), European settlement, mobility-movement, vernacular architecture, material culture, historical graffiti, conflict archaeology, Eastern North America and Newfoundland.
Dr. Vaughan Grimes
Office: QC 2008
Telephone: (709) 864-8861
Email: vgrimes@mun.ca
Research Interests: Archaeological Science, Bioarchaeology, Archaeogeophysics, Forensic Archaeology, Isotope Analysis.

Dr. Paul Ledger
Assistant Professor
Cross-Appointed to Geography
Office: QC-4011
Telephone: (709) 864-8923
Email: pledger@mun.ca
Research Interests: Norse Greenland; North Atlantic Archaeology; historical archaeology; palaeoecology; farming; biogeography; chronology; radiocarbon dating; uncertainty and error.

Dr. Catherine Losier
Associate Professor
Archaeology Co-operative Education Coordinator
Undergraduate Officer
Office: QC 4009
Email: closier@mun.ca
Research Interests: historical archaeology, French colonies, Atlantic colonial world, material culture studies, cultural interaction, colonial economies.

Dr. Oscar Moro Abadía
Department Head
Office: QC 4019
Telephone: (709) 864-3439
Email: omoro@mun.ca
Research Interests: Prehistoric Art, Art History, Indigenous Arts, Science and Technology, Philosophy of Science, History of Science.

Dr. Scott Neilsen
Associate Professor
Cross-Appointed to Social-Cultural Program (Grenfell Campus) and School of Arctic and Subarctic Studies (Labrador Campus)
Office: Labrador Institute Research Station
Telephone: (709) 497-3630 ext. 225
Email: scott.neilsen@mun.ca
Research Interests: Cultural Resources Management; Anthropological, Community, Contemporary, Indigenous and Public Archaeologies; Decolonization; Eastern Subarctic Cultural & Environmental History; Labrador Society & Culture.

Dr. Lisa Rankin
Memorial University Research Chair, Northern Indigenous Community Archaeology
Office: QC 2010
Telephone: (709) 864-4808
Email: lrankin@mun.ca
Research Interests: post-medieval cultural encounters in the archaeological record between Labrador Inuit and Europeans, and interactions between Northeastern Indigenous populations over the past several Millennia; ethnicity and identity, landscapes, settlement patterns, eastern Sub-Arctic.
Bryn Tapper
Assistant Professor
Office: QC-2016
Telephone: (709) 864-8873
Email: btapper@mun.ca
Research Interests: Algonquian rock art; maritime cultural landscapes; historic landscape analysis; GIS; computational photography; cultural resource management; Canadian Maritimes; Atlantic Canada.

Dr. Peter Whitridge
Office: QC 4010
Telephone: (709) 864-2394
Email: peter.whitridge@mun.ca
Research Interests: embodiment, place and landscape; hunter-fisher-gatherer social and economic relations; human-animal relations; imaginaries; childhood; sport; contemporary archaeology; Arctic.
Adjunct Faculty
Dr. Laura Kelvin (University of Manitoba)
Dr. Madeleine Mant (Memorial University)
Dr. Andrea Procter (Memorial University)
Dr. Alison Harris (Max Planck Institute for Geoanthropology, Jena, Germany)
Dr. Shannon Lewis-Simpson (Memorial University & Dallaire Centre of Excellence for Peace and Security, Canadian Forces College)
Dr. Natasha Leclerc (Memorial University)
Cross-appointed Faculty
Former Faculty
Dr. Stuart C. Brown
Dr. Michael Deal
Dr. Sonja Jerkic
Dr. Peter E. Pope
Dr. Priscilla Renouf
Dr. James A. Tuck