
Academic Publications:

Badenhorst, C., Pickett, S., Arnold, C., Lewis, L., Vaandering, D., McLeod, H., Buley, J., Goodnough, K., Maich, K., Penney, S. & Young, G., Faculty of Education, Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada (under review). On being reviewed: From ghosts that haunt in isolation toward connection and unexpected agency. Higher Education Research & Development

Reimer, K. & Vaandering, D. (under review). Listening deeply to public perceptions of Restorative Justice: What can researchers and practitioners learn? International Journal for Restorative Justice

Evans, K. Morrison, B. & Vaandering, D. (2019). Critical Race Theory and Restorative Justice Education in Listening to the Movement: Essays on new growth and new challenges in Restorative Justice, Wipf & Stock Publishers.

Vaandering, D. (forthcoming, 2019). "Too much changing has happened to go back": Professional Development, Paradigm Shifts and Poetry. Contemporary Justice Review.

Vaandering, D. (2018). ????????????????? ?????????? ??? ????? ????????? ???????? ???????????? ?????? ??? ?????????????????? ?????????? ? ??????? ??????????? Mediation and Law, Volume 1-2(45). [Russian translation of article The Significance of Critical Theory for Restorative Justice in Education, Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies (2010)]

Vaandering, D. (2015). Critical relational theory. In B. Hopkins (Ed.), Just Theories. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Vaandering, D. (2015). Between being “acted upon and acting”--an educator’s experience in framing peace through restorative justice. In R. Naqvi& H. Smit (Eds.), Framing Peace: Thinking About and Enacting Curriculum as “Radical Hope.” New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

Vaandering, D. (2014-translation into Russian). A window on relationships: reflecting critically on a current restorative justice theory. Mediation and Law. Intermediation and Reconciliation (Russia). Originally appeared in: Restorative Justice: An International Journal (2013) vol 1 issue 3.

Vaandering, D. (2014). Relational restorative justice pedagogy in educator professional development. Special Issue: Curriculum Inquiry 44:4. Editor: Kathy Bickmore.

Vaandering, D. (2013). A window on relationships: Reflecting critically on a current restorative justice theory. Restorative Justice: An International Journal, 1(3). DOI: 10.5235/20504721.1.3.305

Vaandering, D. (2013). Implementing restorative justice in schools: What pedagogy reveals. Journal of Peace Education, 10 (3). DOI: 10.1080/17400201.2013.794335

Vaandering, D. (2013). Student, teacher, and administrator perspectives on harm: Implications for implementing safe and caring school initiatives. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 35:4, 298-318, DOI: 10.1080/10714413.2013.825514

Badenhorst, C., Penney, S., Pickett, S., Joy, R., Hesson, J., Young, G., McLeod, H., Vaandering, D., & Li, X. (2013). Writing relationships: Collaboration in a faculty writing group. All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 5(1), 1001-1026.

McLeod, H., Penney, S., Joy, R., Badenhorst, C., Vaandering, D., Pickett. S, Li, X. (In press). Collaboration and Collaborative Knowledge Construction through Arts-Based Representation: Explorations of a Faculty Writing Group. In D. Conrad & A. Sinner (Eds.), Creating together: Participatory, community-based and collaborative arts practices and scholarship across Canada. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Vaandering, D. (Fall, 2012). Searching. Morning Watch. 40 (1-2).

Morrison, B., & Vaandering, D. (April 2012). Restorative justice: Pedagogy, Praxis, Discipline. Special Issue: Designing School Contexts in Support of Proactive Discipline: Applications to School Violence. Journal of School Violence, 11(2). DOI:10.1080/15388220.2011.653322

Badenhorst, C., Hesson, J., Joy, R., Li, X., MacLeod, H., Penney, S., Vaandering, D. (2012). The Journey between there and here: A group exploration of knowledge construction through Writing as Inquiry.

Vaandering, D. (2011). A faithful compass: Rethinking the term restorative justice to find clarity. Contemporary Justice Review, 14(3). DOI: 10.1080/10282580.2011.589668

Vaandering, D. (2010). The significance of critical theory for restorative justice in education. The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 32(2), 145-176.

Vaandering, D. (2006). Between Wholeness and Restoration: Theorizing Restorative Justice and Restorative Practice. Paper from "The Next Step: Developing Restorative Communities, Part 2," the IIRP's 8th International Conference on Conferencing, Circles and other Restorative Practices, October 18-20, 2006, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA.

 Professional Publications:

Vaandering, D (2018). Seven Generations: Taking personal responsibility for broken relationships of the past. Christian Courier(3078)

Vaandering, D. & Voelker, D. (2018). Relationships First Implementation Guide: A Holistic, Whole-School, Responsive Approach. Self-published. 

Evans, K. & Vaandering, D. (2018) Justiça Restaurativa na Educação: Promover Responsabilidade, Cura e Esperança nas Escolas. São Paulo: Palas Athena (Portuguese Translation of Little Book of Restorative Justice in Education, 2016)

Evans, K. & Vaandering, D. (2016). The Little Book of Restorative Justice in Education. New York: Skyhorse Publishing.

Vaandering, D. (Spring, 2015). Living justly: How restorative justice nurtures our communities. Newfoundland Quarterly, 107 (4), p.36-39.

Vaandering, D. (Jan.10, 2015). Give Restorative Justice a Chance. (Op-ed/ Weekend letter) The Telegram.

Vaandering, D. (February 2014). The older ones first. Christian Educators Journal. Volume 53(3)

Vaandering, D. Editor (2009-present). Restorative Justice in Education: Monthly DIALOGUE Newsletter. Volume 1: Issues 1-8; Volume 2: 1-8. Available at:

Dornai, A., Vaandering, D. (March/April 2013). Hurt people hurt people; Helped people help people. Canadian Teacher Magazine.

Vaandering, D. (Nov. 3, 2012). The solution to bullying lies with us all. (Op-ed/Weekend letter) The Telegram.

Vaandering, D. (Winter, 2010). To be at our best. Voices in Dialogue, 18. Available at:

Vaandering, D. (Sept. 2009). Moving from rule-based to relationship-based school cultures. OCSTA News, Volume 31, Issue 1.

 Video Publications:

Relashionships First -- RJE Circle Formations

Ripples of relationship: Restorative Justice Education