Professional suitability

Within the University community there is an individual and collective responsibility to maintain a high level of scholarly integrity. While professional programs across the University are unit specific, students enrolled in all professional programs must adhere to those principles and/or codes of ethics, which inform conduct suitable for their profession. [Memorial University’s Professional Suitability Policy: 6.13.1 Principles]

The Faculty of Education offers professional programs and upon receiving notice of an accusation of a breach of the professional suitability policy the procedure noted below will be followed. Please note that all referred sections are in reference to Memorial University’s Professional Suitability Policy. In cases where there is a conflict between the procedure outlined below and Memorial University’s Professional Suitability Policy, the Memorial University’s Professional Suitability Policy will supersede the procedure outlined below.

  1. The Dean or delegate will review the accusation and collect evidence and deem if the matter is of a minor or serious nature.
  2. If the matter is deemed minor, the Dean or delegate will facilitate an agreeable resolution between the accuser and the accused where both sides will have the opportunity to present their case. This will follow the principles set forth in section 6.13.3(4). If there is no suitable resolution, the matter will be moved to the Faculty’s professional suitability panel and will follow the procedure as outlined starting with point 3 below.
  3. If the matter is deemed serious in nature or there is no informal resolution as outlined in point 2 above, the Dean or delegate will assign the matter to the Faculty’s professional suitability panel for review and investigation.
  4. In accordance with section 6.13.3(3), a notification of the allegation of conduct unsuitable for the profession will be sent to the accused student.
  5. After notification, the professional suitability panel will begin their formal investigation which will include reviewing any evidence submitted or collected from valid sources that may be internal or external to the university and sending an invitation to the accused to present their case to the panel.
    1. A meeting request will be sent separately from the official notification to the accused and in this request the accused will be given the evidence package that has been gathered by the professional suitability panel for their review and rebuttal.
    2. The accused will be given two weeks from the initial request to indicate their intention to attend the meeting or not.
    3. The accused has a right to be accompanied by an individual as outlined in section 6.13.3(9).
    4. If the accused decides to be accompanied, they must provide the individual’s name and contact information for consideration one week prior to the meeting as outlined in section 6.13.3(9).
  6. At the outset of the investigation the status of the student will be determined using the guidelines of section 6.13.3(7,8). After this determination is made the decision and potential constraints will be communicated to the student and enacted by the Faculty.
  7. After reviewing any and all evidence and testimony, the professional suitability panel will report their findings to all parties and will include their recommended outcome(s) as articulated in section 6.13.5 or as deemed appropriate.
  8. Students have the right to appeal a guilty decision as stipulated in section 6.13.7.