Distribution List Help

Owner's Full Name
This should be the name of the individual responsible for the list, and should be a real person, not an organization.

Owner's Phone Number
A number where we can reach you about this request.

Owner's E-mail Address
The address from which you will be administering the list.

Owner's Student Number
This is optional, but necessary if you are a student and are not using a MUN e-mail address. This will help us verify your affiliation with MUN.

List Name
This will be the e-mail address of the list "list-name@mun.ca". Ideally, it should be short, descriptive and unambiguous. Course lists and other departmental mailing lists should start with a departmental abbreviation (for example educ-faculty, engl3901). Historically, mailing list names have ended with "-L". This helps distinguish the address as a mailing list rather than a personal e-mail address. This is also helpful if the group has an existing e-mail address of the same name.

Long Name
This is a more descriptive name for the list, and should be a single line of no more than 60 characters.

Who can post?
Mailing lists that are used to encourage interactive discussion among a group of people should be Private. This means that any list member can send a message to the mailing list. With a moderated mailing list, any list member can still post a message to the list, but the list moderator (usually the list owner) must approve of each message before it is distributed. The moderator can thereby ensure that messages sent to the list are relevant. Mailing lists that are used for announcements only can be configured so that only people who are designated as editors can post to the mailing list.

If you have chosen a restricted mailing list with one or more editors (other than the list owner), specify the e-mail addresses of the other editors here. E-mail addresses should be separated by commas. The list owner's e-mail address will be included, no need to specify it here again.

Archive Type
Mailing list correspondence can be archived on our server in what listserv refers to as a listserv notebook. This allows your subscribers to retrieve past messages with listserv commands. You may supplement this with a public, or private, web archive. The web archive will appear under the MUN mailing list archive web page. Due to the space required, messages are not archived by default. Archives grow with time and cannot be stored on our server indefinitely. We reserve the right to impose limits, subject to available resources, on the age and size of archives available on our server. If you do require archiving, please be aware that you will have to make arrangements for long term storage of old archives.

Archive Frequency
Archived messages are stored in batches. The frequency you specify will decide the length of time covered by each file.

Digest Frequency
Users may choose to have all the messages for the period you specify sent as one large message. This is much more convenient for some people. (The initial setting for each user will be to receive each posting separately.)

Restriction of advertisement of and subscription to the list. If your list is of interest outside MUN, you will probably want to set this to Global. If the list is for local use only, then set it to MUN. Setting it to Hidden means it will not show up on any list of lists at MUN. This is not recommended, since it means your own users might not be able to find out about the list if they forget its exact name.

List Lifetime
If your mailing list has an expected finite lifetime, please let us know. Course mailing lists should usually be deactivated at the end of each semester. Mailing lists set up for a special event, such as a conference, also should be deactivated within a reasonable period of time after the event.

Number of subscribers
This is an estimate of how many subscribers will use your mailing list. This is informational only, it will help us gauge the resources required for each mailing list and help us plan future service upgrades.

A brief description of the list, including its purpose and its relevance to MUN. A sentence or two will do.

Special requirements
Will there be anyone else managing the list besides yourself? Is there anything else we should know? Listserv has many other features that we haven't included here, these are just the most common options. If you want to avail of any of these other features, please let us know. We can also make configuration changes after the list is created.