Getting the Job: Salary Negotiations, Disability Disclosure and Workplace Etiquettes
Salary Negotiation: Why, When and How?
Have you ever been asked "What is your salary expectation?" before being offered a job? Attend this presentation to learn about reasons why employers may ask this question, how to prepare yourself, and answer it appropriately.
Disability Disclosure
To disclose, or not to disclose, that is the question. This workshop will discuss the topics of disability disclosure and disability confidence in the workplace. It will also include how to disclose a disability in the workplace, when to disclose a disability, and provide you with self-advocacy tips.
Workplace Etiquettes
Whether you are job seeking, networking, or just looking to make a good first impression etiquette is everything! We will discuss best practices when it comes to etiquette and how you present yourself to mentors, professors, and potential employers!
Location: UC-4000
Date and Time: Tuesday, Jun 20th at 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM (NDT)
For more information: