Resumé and Cover Letter Resources


Research has shown that employers, on average, give a resumé and cover letter only 10-15 seconds of attention so you can't afford to miss out!


What is a Resumé?

A resumé is a self-marketing tool that highlights your education, experience, and accomplishments while profiling your ability to do the work for which an employer is hiring. It provides employers with a quick summary of your education and experience to capture their attention, given that on average, employers scan a resumé for only 10-15 seconds. The formatting outlined in this guide is only an example, and individuals will have different preferences that add unique touches to their resumé. A resumé is used for job search applications and provides an overview of your experiences to an employer.

What is a Cover Letter and when should you use it?

The purpose of a cover letter is to highlight and explain your skills that you mentioned on your resume. Your resume should always be accompanied by a cover letter. You should use a different cover letter for each position to highlight the skills that are most applicable to the position to which you're applying.

Resources to help develop your resumé:

  • Resume and Cover Letter Guide - Explains how to develop a resumé and cover letter and provides samples of various sections and formats
  • Action Verbs - How do you describe your work or volunteer experience? These verbs will help you design your sections and describe your duties

Resumé & Cover Letter Review

If you need additional assistance once you have reviewed the Resumé and Cover Letter Writing Guide, students are encouraged to contact for further assistance.