APT Presentation February 9, 2022

Advancing the Practice Together
Knowledge - Learning - Development - Practice - Research

Through the Advancing the Practice Together (APT) partnership, the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development (CSSD) and Memorial University’s School of Social Work invite you to a presentation:

Disclosures of Sexual Abuse/ Sexual Exploitation from Youth

Presented By: Kelly Piercey M.S.W., R.S.W.

Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Time: 9:30 am- 12:00 pm Island time (9:00am -11:30 am Labrador time)
Webcast Link: CLICK HERE (Link will be live 30 minutes before the start time of the presentation).

Disclosures of Sexual Abuse/ Sexual Exploitation from Youth Presented By: Kelly Piercey M.S.W., R.S.W. Kelly Piercey has been a social worker for over 20 years. Throughout her career, she has worked primarily in CSSD with youth services and youth corrections. She recently she accepted a position as counsellor with the Family and Youth Services team. Kelly is a member of (CASEY) Coalition Against Sexually Exploited Youth, and also provides counselling through private practice. With the expert guidance of Dr. Sheri McConnell, Kelly dedicated her Masters Pathway research to developing a training model for professionals to accept disclosures of sexual abuse/ sexual exploitation from youth. The training outlines the warning signs and patterns of abuse, disclosure process, and focuses on best practices for receiving the information and assisting youth to navigate their trauma. With the fundamental belief that youth who disclose sexual abuse are unique from children and adults, Kelly believes that when we as professionals are better prepared, the outcomes for survivors can be more positive. Please be mindful that information shared may be sensitive to some individuals with lived experiences.

Questions can be sent to CSSDtrainingunit@gov.nl.ca throughout the presentation. The moderator will facilitate a Question and Answer session at the end of the presentation.

This session is intended for CSSD staff and MUN School of Social Work Faculty and Staff. Please do not share the link beyond the intended audience. The presentation will be recorded to be made available on the CSSD SharePoint site in the future.