MUNPA Online Social Activities

As our president has said in the April 2020 Your Voice,"Keeping in touch and avoiding isolation are essential in times like these."

To alleviate the social isolation many of us are feeling with the loss of our normal social activities MUNPA is exploring where our programming can be migrated to social media. We have initiated a number of online activities for our members to try.

Online Group Meetings: Several of our focus and special interest groups (Shutterbugs, Memoir, Games, and Health & Aging) are experimenting with online video meetings using Zoom. 

Flashback to Past Events:The St. John's Program Committee has provided a look back at some of our speakers and site visits and offer videos, slide shows and photo galleries from them that can be viewed at home

MUNPA Facebook Group: Join our new Facebook group to chat with other MUNPA members about topics important, humorous, and everything in between.

follow me on facebook  If you are new to the group you will be asked to join the group.