Grenfell Campus Events
In December, 2022, MUNPA made a $500 donation to the Grenfell Food Bank, accepted by Jana Walsh, Manager of Health and Diversity at Grenfell Campus. Presenting the cheque are Mary Sparkes and Lois Bateman, MUNPA Board members.
At Grenfell we have a small committee (members listed below) which organizes events each year for local MUNPA members. Any retirees from another MUN campus are welcome to join us if they live or are visiting in the area.
We hope to see you at some of our events... Madonna Day, Linda Carroll, Sharon Walsh, Kathleen Snow, Lois Bateman, Mary Sparkes (West Coast MUNPA committee)
If you would like further information, please email Lois Bateman or Olaf Janzen
Check out past events at Grenfell Campus