
Antivirus Upgrade

The OCIO is excited to announce that over the coming weeks, we will be gradually upgrading our antivirus software from Trellix to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Memorial-managed Windows devices. This change is part of our continuous efforts to improve your experience and ensure the highest level of security for your system.  This upgrade will happen automatically without any intervention on your part.

During this migration, you may notice the following changes:

  1. The Trellix tray icon (blue/green line) will disappear from your system tray.
  2. This is an expected part of the transition process. The existing Windows Security icon (white or blue shield) in your system tray will now reflect the status and information about Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. 
  3. You may receive a brief notification about your antivirus software being disabled. This is a normal part of the migration process and your system will not be left unprotected.

Memorial-managed MacOS devices will also transition from Trellix to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. This process will be more hands-on, requiring our IT staff to personally upgrade your device. If you’re a MacOS user, anticipate direct communication from your IT team regarding this change.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this transition. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the IT Service Desk at 864-4595,, or chat support at


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Windows 11 Upgrade

To ensure that university technology is kept up-to-date and secure, the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) is upgrading eligible university computers to Windows 11 starting on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Not everyone will receive the upgrade at this time as some devices are not compatible with Windows 11. Memorial does have a phased upgrade plan that will see all eligible university computers upgraded to Windows 11. 

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New cybersecurity training available to all faculty and staff

The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) is pleased to announce its new cybersecurity training is now available to all faculty and staff.

The education sector is a prime target for threat actors due to the large volumes of personal data, intellectual property and other data assets handled by educational institutions. As we see the increasingly sophisticated phishing and social engineering attacks, this training will help employees become Memorial's greatest line of defense with regards to cybersecurity.

The training modules cover a variety of subjects that are relevant both professionally and personally, including information security, phishing, malware, ransomware and incident reporting. Modules are short, focused and informative.

The full course takes approximately 45 minutes to complete, but you do not need to complete it all in one session. A certificate will be issued upon successful completion with a minimum score of 80%. The course is available to employees through the portal under the employees tab. Employees can sign in using their Memorial login ID and password.

Please direct any questions or concerns to the OCIO IT Service Desk at 709-864-4595, or via online chat at


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