Qualtrics - Memorial's enterprise survey solution

Sep 9th, 2019

ITS Service Desk

Qualtrics - Memorial's enterprise survey solution

Do you or others in your unit use surveys? This is a reminder that Qualtrics is Memorial University’s enterprise survey solution for research or administrative purposes. It’s available to active Memorial faculty, staff and students (with faculty/staff supervisor approval) at no cost to users. Qualtrics is an industry-leading, cloud-based, survey solution currently used by 6800+ schools and 2000+ universities worldwide, including several Canadian institutions. To learn more about the simple steps to get started, visit www.mun.ca/surveysolution. The provost and vice-president (academic) and the vice-president (research) co-fund this tool, which is jointly managed by the Office of the Chief Information Officer and the Centre for Institutional Analysis and Planning.