Violin/Viola Masterclass (Orchestral Excerpts) with Zoë Martin-Doike

The School of Music welcomes Iris Trio to the School of Music! In addition to giving a Mainstage Concert on Thursday, January 16, 7:30pm in D.F. Cook Recital Hall, members of the Iris Trio will be giving masterclass and visiting classes to share their knowledge and expertise with School of Music students. 

Join us for these Masterclasses with members of Iris Trio - free and open to the public.

Piano Masterclass with Anna Petrova
Monday, January 13, 3-5pm
D.F. Cook Recital Hall

Violin/Viola Masterclass (Orchestral Excerpts) with Zoƫ Martin-Doike
Monday, January 13, 7-8:30pm 
D.F. Cook Recital Hall

Location: D.F. Cook Recital Hall

Date and Time: Monday, Jan. 13 at 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM (NST)