Spanish Major Program

Spanish Major Program, Memorial University 

(Effective June 2024, the major program in Spanish is not accepting new students.)

A Major in Spanish consists of a minimum of 36 credit hours in Spanish chosen from the courses listed under the Spanish course descriptions. (It is strongly recommended that students in the Spanish Major Program complete Classics 1120 and 1121.)

Why Select a Major in Spanish? 

  • Focused language studies that serve as a foundation for graduate and doctoral study
  • Advanced language study heightens employment opportunities in teaching, translation, tourism and public administration
  • Develop strong reading, writing and speaking abilities on campus and in potential immersion opportunities 

Global Immersion Opportunities 

Opportunities to explore Spanish and related Hispanic studies through diverse work and study are offered around the globe via the Memorial University Go Abroad program.

On Campus Offerings

Investigating Memorial University course offerings early in degree programmes offers students the opportunity to not only fufil core and mandatory requirements but also provides all students with the opportunity to investigate the full scope of Spanish Major studies in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Memorial University.