Scientific Collaborations


Technès :

TECHNÈS is an international research partnership in cinema studies. By rethinking technology, history and aesthetics together, the members and partners of TECHNÈS will be better able to understand technological change and its manifest interactions with film theories, aesthetics and practices. In order to do so, the project’s members and partners have established a program of 1) research, 2) training and 3) action campaigns and transfer, dissemination and valorisation activities around a central project, that of creating a bilingual (English and French) Encyclopaedia of Cinema Technology.


Euchronie :

EUCHRONIE is a French collaborative project within the field of digital humanities. Based on the observation that an abundant production of content on the past is autopublished on the web, the project aims to aggregate, index and rank plurality of contents. The project is aiming to show a new object of research wich appoint online knowledge about the past.