Jamie Brake

Previous Education
M.A. (Archaeology), Memorial University, 2007
B.A. (Anthropology), Memorial University, 2001
Heritage policy and legislation, Labrador Inuit, Nunatsiavut.
Research Statement
In 2005, Labrador Inuit signed a comprehensive, constitutionally protected land claims agreement with the federal and provincial governments that provides for Inuit self-government with responsibilities in many areas, including archaeology. The Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement includes a substantial chapter on archaeology and gives the Nunatsiavut Government (NG) the power to enact heritage legislation, as well as heritage policy.
To date the NG has developed and implemented a number of policies relating to archaeology but it has not yet written heritage legislation. One of the reasons that this has not yet been undertaken is because provincial law, which applies in the absence of Inuit law in this circumstance, is quite strong and therefore there has been no urgency to develop new legislation up to this point. So far the most pressing need in this area was the successful establishment of an effective archaeology office. This goal has been achieved and the resources are now available to develop Inuit law in this area.
I am interested in conducting a series of meaningful consultations with the people of Nunatsiavut, as well as a detailed and systematic study of archaeological legislation and policy throughout Canada and abroad, with the goal of providing comprehensive information, analysis, and recommendations for heritage legislation and policy in Nunatsiavut.
Email: b66jeb@mun.ca