Appeal for MUN food banks
Dear MUNPA member,
It’s the season for giving, and this holiday season more and more people are having to rely on food banks. Our campus food banks serve Memorial students, employees and pensioners who are experiencing financial need and are unable to afford to buy the food they require. Read more Appeal for MUN food banks
HR Benefits Bulletin - New rates effective April 1, 2024
Your group insurance deductions will increase as
Single health and dental
- overall increase of $8.53 monthly
Family health and dental
- overall increase of $21.41 monthly
2020 and 2022 MUNPA Tribute Award recipients
On November 28, 2022, President Vianne Timmons hosted a reception at Signal Hill Campus for the 2020 and 2022 MUNPA Tribute Award recipients. This was the first event since 2019, due to COVID.
Our 2022 AGM will be held Thursday, June 9th, at Signal Hill Campus. Pre-registration required by June 2nd for in-person and virtual attendance. Further details available on our AGM page.
2022 Tribute Awards
Nominations must be submitted by June 30, 2022.
2021 Electronic Tax Slips
2021 T4As and Electronic Tax Slips will be issued by Feb. 28
MUNPA is pleased to announce the recipients of MUNPA's 2020 Tribute Awards...
Christmas Social Cancellation
Due to the fluid conditions surrounding the Covid 19 virus and the government’s decision to temporarily remove the province from the Atlantic Bubble, the decision has been reluctantly made to cancel the planned Christmas social for Dec 3rd ...
2020 AGM - October 8th
Go to the 2020 AGM Announcement for the latest information and registration details.
2020 AGM Notices of Motion
Read the Notices of Motion for 2020 AGM
MUNPA Facebook Group
MUNPA has created a private Facebook Group for MUNPA members. A private group can only be followed by members and membership must be requested and approved. Join us and spend a little time socializing with people who share a common MUN background. ...
MUNPA Facebook Gift Card Contest
To encourage membership growth in our Facebook group, the names of those who join between today and June 30th will be entered in a draw for a gift card.
TAX Slips
Tax season is upon us. T4As are now available. For instructions on how to access your T4A through Employee Self Service please check here. For information on how to access your Canada Pension ,T4A(P), and Old Age Secutity, T4A(OAS), please check here.
Flu Shots Available
Public Flu Shots now available. Flue Shots are Free.
MUNPA Honours 2 outstanding retirees
Two members of the Memorial University of Newfoundland Pensioners’ Association (MUNPA) were recognized for contributions they have made during their retirement.
Iconic science centre and tourism attraction gifted to Memorial University
The Johnson GEO Centre Foundation has donated to Memorial University the infrastructure and assets of the Johnson GEO Centre, including GEO Park and other adjacent lands ....
Opportunity for individual membership of Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Union Retirees
MUNPA has received a communication from the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour, passed on from MUNFA, suggesting affiliation with the NL Federation of Union Retirees, and through it, to the Congress of Union Retirees of Canada (CURC).
Tax Season is Here
Tax slips for Memorial employees and pensioners who signed up to receive their tax information electronically are now available online. To access the tax slips ....
Memorial's Wellness Zone Newsletter
Employee Wellness, Department of Human Resources, is pleased to provide you with the Feburary ssue of the Wellness Zone employee health and wellness newsletter.
MUNPA JOB POSTING - Closing Feb. 12th
MUNPA is seeking to fill the position of part time Office Assistant. We are giving our membership the first opportunity to apply for this position. The Job Description is ...
Flue Shots
Free flu shot clinics
The Department of Human Resources is partnering with the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre again this year to offer free flu vaccine clinics. A dedicated employee/retiree clinic will be held on Thursday, Oct. 25 from 1-4 p.m. in the Alexander Murray Building (Earth Sciences) room ER-4065
CURAC Announces Travel and Extended Health Insurance
CURAC Announces new Travel and Extended Health Insurance. Two excellent plans are available. MEDOC insurance provides stand-alone travel insurance to cover out-of-province and out-of-country emergencies. RTO/ERO insurance provides extended health insurance for in-province and includes travel insurance at no extra cost. Click here for more detailed information.
MUNPA Office Moved
The MUNPA Office has moved to the Signal Hill Campus (the old Battery Hotel) ...
Memoir Group
Memoir Group meeting time change for September only.
Aug 30 Tribute Award Deadline
Submit a nomination form for your worthy candidate before the deadline.
MUN BBQ Postponed
MUN BBQ postponed until Monday Aug 27
Academics Without Borders Volunteer Opportunity
Application Deadline Aug 15th. Learn more about these volunteer medical opportunities in Tanzania ...
Tuckamore Festival
Tuckamore Festival, August 6th to 19th, may well be the most international in its 18-year history. For more information go to ...
Special July visit to Branscombe's Pond
Branscombe's Pond: Tuesday July 31 10:00 a.m. with August 2nd as the rain day. Howard Clase will lead a short botanical walk (90 minutes to 2 hours) around Branscombe's Pond ...
Suggestions Wanted
As always, the Programme Committee is looking for suggestions for fall and winter events. Please send these to
Learn more about MUNPA
Go to the About Us or Contact Us pages ...
Invitation to Attend St. John's 2018 Spring Convocation
MUNPA members are asked to please consider attending Convocation to support our new graduates. Replies must be received before May 22nd. Details are ....
Reminder: Call for art submissions
The QEII First Space Gallery is planning its 2018 annual faculty/staff/MUN pensioners art exhibition. You may submit ...
CFUW St. John's Great Big Book Sale 2018
The 2018 CFUW Book Sale is scheduled for May 14 – 16 at the REMax Centre. Details on sale hours and more ...
Free Public Lecture: Sleep as a Foundation for Health - March 15
Thursday, March 15, 7 p.m. This is not a MUNPA event. The lecture details are...
MUN Community Garden Application - deadline March 23 2018
More information and how to apply are ...
T4s and T4As now available online
Memorial T4 and T4A information for 2017 is now available online. To access the information ...
20th Annual MUN Alumni and Friends Curling Bonspiel
Dust off your brooms and join Memorial University alumni, friends and students for the 20th Annual MUN Alumni Curling Bonspiel! - Saturday, February 17, 2018.
Registration closes Friday, February 9, 2018. Details are ...
Temporary Parking Permits in January
MUNPA members are not included in a message sent to Newsline yesterday and can continue to submit requests for temporary parking permits in January by ....
HR Memo on 2018 Tax Changes
The Department of Human Resources’ payroll manager has posted a memo to the HR website detailing 2018 tax information. Employees, retirees, and survirors are encouraged...
Joy to the World Party
Employees and retirees are invited to join in the fun at this year's Joy to the World holiday party on Thursday, Dec. 14 from 3-6 p.m. at the Breezeway.
Holiday Hosting Program: Share Christmas dinner with an international student!
The Internationalization Office's annual Holiday Hosting Program is seeking hosts for this year.
St. John's Campus Food Bank Christmas Hamper Drive
Donate to the Christmas Hamper Drive for 2017 - The Campus Food Bank is seeking assistance from the MUN community in filling this year's Christmas Hampers. Read full article for details on how to give.
Christmas in November on the West Coast
Reminder that the Grenfell Christmas Social is coming up - November 15!
Invitation to Ceremony of Remembrance
Remembrance Ceremony Thursday, Nov. 9.
Purple Shield Seminar at Grenfell
Purple Shield seminar on advance funeral planning at Grenfell College on Tuesday afternoon, November 7.October
MUNPA seeking part-time office assistance
The MUNPA office is in need of office assistance for the next several months for approximately 10 to 12 hours per month.
Nov. 2 Launch of Fall Prevention Month
The NLIPC invites you to join them for the launch of Fall Prevention Month!
Alumni Affairs Public Consultation - Oct. 24, 3:30pm - 5:00pm
How can Memorial better connect with Alumni? We want your input
CANCELLED - Visit to Marine Institute Monday, Oct. 23, 10:30 - 11:30
Tour Cancelled - The visit to the Marine Institute Simulator has been cancelled for Monday, Oct. 23, 10:30.Latest Edition of Your Voice now Online
The October Your Voice News Letter is now available online under the Your Voice tab.
Update to St. John's Group Activities Fall 2017
New and Revised St. John's Events - Bowling, Woodcarving, Outing, Shutterbug.
Latest Edition of Your Voice Available
The September edition of Your Voice is now online.
Help Needed
Help Needed: one or two intrepid reporters, columnists or interviewers willing to write something now and then for Your Voice.
St. John's Christmas Social
Save the Date: Thursday, December 7th, 4:00-6:00 p.m.- St. John's Christmas Social