Nadia Ruiz Peralta
Previous Education
B.A. (Archaeology), National School of Anthropology and History, 2019
M.A. (Archaeology), Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2023
Dr. Oscar Moro-Abadía
Dr. Mario Blaser
Monumentality, heritage, heritagization, anti-monuments, archaeology of the contemporary world.
Research Statement
The proposed doctoral research focuses on the in-depth analysis of Avenida Reforma from the perspective of monumentality, using contemporary archaeology as a methodological tool. The main objective is to understand how monumentality transforms its space and affects the individuals who interact with it. Special attention is given to the role of anti-monuments in the diversification and democratization of the power to transform urban space. Additionally, the research will explore the link between monumentality, collective memory, and public space, highlighting significant implications for heritage making and unmaking in contemporary Mexico City.