Areas of Research

Want to know our research strengths?

The research interests of our faculty members span all the major subfields of Political Science. However, in recent years the department has developed particular research strengths in the following areas.

A number of our faculty members have research specializations dealing with issues of democracy and representation, including voting behavior, electoral systems, gender and political leadership, and deliberative and participatory democratic innovations. Our faculty are also known internationally for their expertise in political parties, political institutions, political behaviour, and democratic theory. This includes:

From studies of globalization, green energy transitions, and international political economy, to the examination of war, peacebuilding, and secessionist movements, our faculty are doing research on many of the most pressing global issues and challenges facing communities in Canada and around the world. In addition, a number of our faculty members have expertise in the politics of different regions, especially Europe, China, and South Asia. This includes:

We have garnered substantial strength over the years in the areas of Canadian and comparative public policy and administration. Our faculty have published on topics as diverse as healthcare, banking, municipal governance, and energy policy, as well as the impact of institutional settings on policy formation. This includes:

Looking for a faculty research supervisor?

Honours and Master's students seeking a research supervisor may use the following information for guidance regarding each faculty member's preferred subject area. Students should not feel constrained by these topics and should look at each faculty member's page to get a better sense of that person's area of expertise, including courses taught and recent publications. In all cases, students should feel comfortable contacting an instructor for more information, or if necessary contact the Department's Undergradaute Director (for Honours inquiries) or Graduate Coordinator (for M.A. with research paper or with thesis inquiries).
  • Dr. Amanda Bittner: Parties and elections; Political psychology; Public opinion and voting; Women and politics
  • Dr. Kelly Blidook: Political and legislative behaviour; Political institutions; Political representation; Public opinion
  • Dr. Angela Carter: Canadian environmental policy; Federal and provincial climate policy; Green energy transitions
  • Dr. Scott Matthews: Elections, public opinion and voting behaviour; Political psychology; Political parties; Parties and elections in the U.S. and Canada
  • Dr. Elizabeth Schwartz: Public policy and administration; Local government; Climate change and sustainability
  • Dr. Jennifer Selby: Religion; Multiculturalism; Secular politics in Canada and Québec
  • Dr. Amanda Bittner: Parties and elections; Political psychology; Public opinion and voting; Women and politics
  • Dr. Angela Carter: Comparative environmental policy; Energy politics and transitions; Climate crisis responses
  • Dr. Isabelle Côté: Ethnic Conflict and civil wars; Contentious politics; Political demography; China and Southeast Asia; Migration
  • Dr. Sean Gray: Deliberative and participatory democratic innovations; Non-participation; Civic engagement
  • Dr. Scott Matthews: Elections, public opinion and voting behaviour; Political psychology; Political parties; Parties and elections in the U.S. and Canada
  • Dr. Elizabeth Schwartz: Public policy; Local government; Climate change and sustainability
  • Dr. Barry Stephenson: Festival cultures; Ritual, myth and political power
  • Dr. Luke Ashworth: International relations theory; History of international thought; Theories of war and peace
  • Dr. Sarah J Martin: Food and agricultural politics and policy (local and global); Environmental politics; Global governance; Global political economy
  • Dr. Jennifer Selby: Religion and secularism
  • Dr. Barry Stephenson: Religion and violence; Religion in political discourse
  • Dr. Russell Williams: Canadian economic development; Canadian foreign policy and international political economy; Globalization, financial services and Canadian public policy; Trade policy and regional integration
  • Dr. Christina Doonan: Human rights; Philosophy of law and caring labour
  • Dr. Sean Gray: Democratic theory; Critical social theory; History of political thought (especially Rousseau, Kant, and J.S. Mill); Economic and social justice; Global justice
  • Dr. Dimitrios Panagos: Aboriginal politics; Contemporary political theory; Feminism; Identity politics; Resource management and governance