Co-ops and Internships

People standing around a conference booth.

Want to apply your knowledge on the job? Get career-related experience before you enter the workforce? You're in the right place.

The Department of Political Science is committed to assisting its undergraduate students in transitioning into the workforce. We offer several opportunities for our students to gain practical on-the-job work experience as part of their BA degree, through internships, work placements, professional networking events, and our co-operative education program.

Political Science Co-operative Education Program

Our Political Science Co-operative Education Program (PSCE) provides an opportunity for students to obtain relevant full-time employment experience with organizations doing real-world work in politics, such as municipal and provincial governments, advocacy organizations, and policy think tanks. Students add three work terms (a total of 12 months of full-time, paid work) to their regular Political Science BA degree program. Candidates completing the program will qualify for a BA Honours in Political Science (Co-operative) or BA in Political Science (Co-operative). Please note that the Political Science Co-operative BA cannot be paired with a Major, Joint Major, or Minor in Law and Public Policy.

Admission to the PSCE is limited and selective, and is handled by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Co-operative Education Office.

The PSCE Application form provides additional details about eligibility. Completed applications can be submitted to the Co-operative Education Office ( using your official @mun email account.

Applications are usually due October 15 (or next business day) each year.