Brightspace Newfoundland and Labrador Connection

Mar 23rd, 2017

Courtenay Alcock

Brightspace Newfoundland and Labrador Connection

On May 3, D2L will be coming to Memorial University for the Brightspace Newfoundland and Labrador Connection event.

This conference is an opportunity to connect with educators and staff around the university and province, as well as representatives from D2L, to exchange feedback, share effective practices and network with other users.

Sponsored by D2L, Brightspace Newfoundland and Labrador Connection will showcase teaching and learning within Brightspace (aka D2L), and sessions will feature topics such as effective practices in instructional design, technology integration, administrative management and much more.

The event is open to all Memorial University faculty and instructors, staff and students who are interested in attending. Educators and staff from other public institutions around the province are also invited to attend.

Registration is free, and lunch will be provided.

Find out more about the event, or register now! Additional details, including speakers and presentations, will be added as they are confirmed.

For more information, please contact:

Courtenay Alcock
Communications Advisor, CITL
(709) 864-2611