New! Manage your lecture capture recordings in Brightspace

Dec 11th, 2019

Courtenay Alcock

New! Manage your lecture capture recordings in Brightspace

If you are teaching in a room with lecture capture technology, you can now directly manage your recordings in Brightspace within a new ‘CITL Dashboard’.

Upon logging into Brightspace, locate the CITL Dashboard on the main homepage and click on the ‘Instructor’ tile, then ‘Lecture Capture’ to start the scheduling process.

Lecture capture enables the recording of lectures, and publishes the recordings to the associated course in Brightspace. With the new CITL Dashboard, you can review your lecture capture schedule at any time and make adjustments to meet your needs.

For more information about lecture capture visit this lecture capture resource page. If you have any questions about this new service, or require assistance, please contact the CITL Support Centre.