CITL Stakeholder Needs Survey

Feb 28th, 2024

The Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) has launched an institutional stakeholder survey, in consultation with the Centre for Institutional Analysis and Planning (CIAP). Our purpose is to learn more about the teaching and learning needs of faculty, instructors, staff, students, and academic leadership. We will use the results to inform ways we can better serve our academic community, the strategic priorities of the university and our mission to “foster a culture of innovation at Memorial University that creates a positive impact on learning experiences”.

We invite you and your areas to complete the survey. It will take approximately 10 minutes of your time. At the end, you will have an opportunity to be included in a prize draw for a gift from the Memorial University Bookstore.

All survey responses are anonymous and confidential. We developed the survey in consultation with CIAP; they are administering the survey and analyzing the results on behalf of CITL. The survey data will be kept securely by authorized personnel. CITL will share aggregate results via its website and other appropriate channels.

To access the survey, please visit the launch page here (MUN login is required) and click the link for the “CITL Stakeholder Needs Survey”. This link is uniquely tied to the survey and your MUN login to allow the system to verify access; however, your recorded responses will not be linked to you or any other identifying information.

The survey is open until March 8, 2024. Please share this message and the survey link within your areas. Questions about the survey may be directed to Neeti Tock, CITL,, 709 864 7921.