Learning Technology Index


peer reviewpeer assessmentassessmentlms integration

What is it?

peerScholar is an evidence-based peer assessment platform that supports the development of core transferable skills like critical thought, creative thought, and effective communication.

Steve Joordens – peerScholar


Peer review and peer assessment platforms, like peerScholar, provide an avenue for students to think critically and communicate with others. They also provide instructors with an opportunity to help students to learn effectively from the feedback process.


What is its purpose?

Peer review can take place in the face-to-face classroom, online, or a combination of both. Sophisticated technology is not needed for a peer review assignment but technology can help students and instructors to complete and facilitate the peer review process.


How do I use it?

PeerScholar is fully integrated with Brightspace for student submissions, review and instructor grading.  You can learn more about setting it up on our Technology Resources website. 

Why would I use it?

Technology such as peerScholar that was developed specifically for the purpose of completing all phases of a peer review makes it easy to set up, implement, and complete the peer review process for an assignment. Grading is easy too!


Quick Facts
Peer Review
Rating Level 
Last Modified
05 December 2024
19 April 2020
License Available 
More Info

Security Concerns
Technical Support 
Any platform. Requires a modern web browser

Ratings Information

This technology is currently under evaluation. Please check back later for a rating.

Security and Privacy

There are currently no security or privacy concerns for this tool.

Support Information

Contact the CITL Support Centre for assistance.

Technology Resources (How-To):

Instructional Resources