Nov 27th, 2015



The NL SUPPORT POR Grants Competition is a new Research Awards Program offering up to four grants of up to $75,000 for projects that focus on patient-oriented research. The provincial Regional Health Authorities have identified the following research priorities for the healthcare system:

  • Early recovery after surgery – Eastern Health
  • Test ordering patterns for Diagnostic Imaging – Eastern Health
  • Appropriateness of choice of surgical procedure, was the least invasive method employed?- Eastern Health
  • Bonavista Peninsula primary health care redesign evaluation – Eastern Health
  • Information management system for diabetes for Labrador-Grenfell Health
  • Information management system to enhance response in cases of suicidal risk in Labrador- Grenfell Health
  • Tracking system for management of TB in Labrador–Grenfell Health


However, the POR Grants Competition is open to any and all patient-oriented research projects, no matter the field or focus: applicants are not required to address one or more of the above in their proposals, though such projects may be given priority.

Applicants who do wish to address the above research priorities are strongly encouraged to communicate with the following individuals in the respective Regional Health Authorities:

  • Early recovery after surgery –Joan Bursey (
  • Test ordering patterns for Diagnostic Imaging –Katherine Chubbs (
  • Appropriateness of choice of surgical procedure –Debbie Walsh (
  • Bonavista peninsula primary health care redesign evaluation –Reece Bearnes (
  • Labrador and Grenfell RHA projects contact: Donnie Sampson ( 709 897 2273


The Awards Guide, eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, and application forms can be found here: