Engage & Connect: Support for Community/University Connections

This resource has been organized on the basis of the Social Determinants of Health. 

As an applied health and social systems research and evaluation program aimed at improving social and health outcomes in Newfoundland and Labrador, Quality of Care NL has compiled available data to help paint an accurate picture of how social determinants are impacting health in the province.

Link to Social Determinants of Health NL Data here.

Community Engagement in Health

This portal was designed in collaboration with the Research Exchange Group on Service Leaning/Community Engagement as a follow-up to a workshop in which community and university partners expressed the need for an online tool that would make it easier to connect:

  • community, health system and government partners with departments and supportive resources at Memorial University

  • Memorial University faculty and students with community, health system, and government partners 

  • students to service learning opportunities in the community

Mapping this Resource: Making Connections

Community engagement in health happens when researchers, students and policy makers include community members in matters that impact their health, including research, program development, and knowledge dissemination. Based on the idea that no policy or research should ever be undertaken without the full and direct participation of members of the group(s) affected by that policy or research ("nothing about us without us"), this portal is organized around the social determinants of health to offer contact listings for community, university, health system, and government organizations whose work supports combined efforts in the areas of:

Student Opportunities: Service Learning

Another great way to facilitate engagement and build stronger connections with community involves providing opportunities in which students at Memorial University participate directly in the community through co-op positions, internships, practicum placements, residencies, volunteering, and work terms. Service Learning refers to any teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. This portal provides two listings to facilitate opportunities for students and to help community organizations connect with the university when they seek student participation and support:

Have a look around. Engage. Connect.