Research Resources
Some research resources that are available to Memorial University graduate students in Biology are:
The Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden, a resource centre for basic and applied botanical research, with a particular emphasis on the flora of Newfoundland and Labrador.
The Agnes Marion Ayre Herbarium, which includes separate vascular plant, phycological, and bryological herbaria.
The Bonne Bay Marine Station in western Newfoundland, which operates year-round. It has ready access to terrestrial and freshwater environments in addition to marine environments.
The Ocean Sciences Centre/Department of Ocean Sciences provides excellent facilities for holding and experimenting on live marine organisms.
Research vessels for marine research are accessible through the Ocean Sciences Centre, the Marine Institute and Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Specialized equipment and laboratories within Memorial University and in external laboratories of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Environment Canada, Provincial Agriculture, Provincial Wildlife, etc.
The Queen Elizabeth II Library subscribes to hundreds of journals in biology, biochemistry and related areas. Additionally, there are more than 1000 titles in the Health Sciences Library. An excellent array of reference services supports and extends the resources available in the collection.