Talks and Posters

Oral presentations are 12 min + 3 min for questions.

Presentation computers run Powerpoint on Windows 7. All presentations should be tested in the practice room, especially if videos or external media (youtube, etc.) are included.

Bring a USB flash drive with your presentation saved as a .pptx Powerpoint or PDF file. We also recommend emailing yourself a copy of your presentation as a backup option.

Posters should be a maximum of 120 cm x 120 cm (we recommend somewhat smaller than that). Students whose posters will be considered for an award should prepare a three-minute presentation for judging purposes.

**Click here for tips for preparing your oral and poster presentations!

Judging Rubrics
Oral presentations and posters being judged for awards in the Biology stream will use the following rubrics:

Biology Oral Presentation Rubric| Biology Poster Rubric