Seminars 2019/20
Speaker: Nicolás Andruskiewitsch, University of Córdoba (Argentina)
Time/Date: Friday, December 6, at 1pm
Room: HH-3017
Title: The role of Nichols algebras in the cohomology of finite-dimensional Hopf algebras
I will report on work in progress, joint with Iván Angiono, Julia Pevtsova and Sarah Witherspoon.
It was asked by Friedlander and Suslin whether the cohomology ring of a finite-dimensional Hopf algebra is finitely generated. I will explain our approach to answer affirmatively this question, extending work of several authors.
Speaker: Lukas Woike (University of Hamburg)
Time/Date: Thursday, November 7, 10:30 am to 11:20 am
Room: EN 1001 (Engineering Building)
Title: The Hochschild Complex of a Finite Tensor Category
Speaker: Yang Yang (University of Hamburg)
Time/Date: Wednesday, November 6, 16:15 pm to 17:05 pm
Room: SN 1103 (Science Building)
Title: String-Net Models and Invariants for Mapping Class Groups